Friday, August 31, 2012

[Inside AdSense] Social Fridays: Create a Google+ page to connect with users

Welcome back to our Social Fridays series, where we're providing tips for getting set up optimally on Google+ each week. Last week, we shared best practices around placing +1 buttons on your site and tracking their performance. Today, we'll move on to creating a Google+ page for your site.

A Google+ page is the hub of your site's identity on Google, and offers a number of tools to help you reach audiences in new ways. On your +page, you can share your articles, photos, YouTube videos, and even host live broadcasts. Your +page will also include a +1 button that users can click to recommend you. Think about your Google+ page as a way to complement your site, allowing you to grow and measure user engagement before directing users back to your pages for more of your great content. Creating a Google+ page is simple and takes just minutes.


Once you've set up your own +page, be sure to set up a content pipeline and post regularly.
One great way to engage with users via your +page is to host regular Google+ Hangouts. Hangouts are free, multi-person video chat sessions for up to 10 people that can help you get closer to your users, no matter where in the world you're located. We all know that talking face-to-face can convey much more than simply typing messages -- so consider hosting classes via Hangout if you run a hobby-related site, or invite loyal readers to discuss recent content you've published.

You also have the option of broadcasting your hangout to the world via Hangouts on Air. Up to 10 people can still actively participate, but anyone can tune in to watch via live streaming on your Google +page, your YouTube channel, or even your own site. Every Hangout on Air will be automatically recorded and saved to your YouTube channel, so you can edit and share the content afterwards. Whether you want to interview an expert, give a behind-the-scenes tour of your business, or just share your content live in front of a global audience, Hangouts on Air allow you to connect with your users in a new way.

To create a Google+ page for your site and get started with Hangouts, sign in to your personal profile on Google+ and then follow the simple instructions. You'll be able to enter details about your site and upload a profile photo so your users will be able to recognize you. For more information about getting started with +pages, visit the Google+ Help Center.

Feel free to share feedback about this post and your experience with using Hangouts on our AdSense +page. Then, join us here next week for our next Social Friday post -- we'll show you how verifying your +page can help you gain additional visibility.

Posted by Arlene Lee - Inside AdSense Team

Posted By Inside AdSense Team to Inside AdSense at 8/31/2012 09:30:00 AM

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Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic


    aj <> Aug 30 03:22PM -0700  

    Hello I am in the process of creating a simple ad server for forums and
    blogs. I was wondering if I could use the ad sense api to server ad sense
    ads when there are no other ads to server. If so would I also be able to
    take a % of the ad revenue for doing so.
    Thank you


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

[WD&D] Digest for - 2 Messages in 1 Topic


    chris walker <> Aug 31 08:14AM +0800  

    Free and pirated templates are full of back links designed to give
    linkjuice or install malacisous software on your server.
    On the other hand, there as plenty of free frameworks for WordPress and
    other CMSs out there that only require you leave a credit to then in the
    source code. These are a blank canvass to work from.
    If you happen to be inspired by the layout of a template and loosely model
    a template after something you like without lifting the Creator's images I
    think you are pretty safe. For instance, if you like a certain gradient
    used for a site and used you own color scheme it would not be copyright
    infringement, but using their icons and menubar directly with your own
    gradient would be.
    There is nothing wrong with using another site for inspiration. You might
    seize on a small element and come up with a totally different look.


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[WD&D] Digest for - 2 Messages in 2 Topics


    Idesign Team <> Aug 29 02:03PM -0700  

    Ok,so i have created online shop with shoping cards and,client want from me to make option that allows
    customers that they don't have to pay entire price,they can type in some
    random quantity of money and then that quantity is being payed (using
    Cards)....HOW to do that????????????????


    shels honeysuckle <> Aug 29 07:54AM -0700  

    Naa I don't rule anything out.
    This is my first alive gig, plus I been wanting this pagan site for 3
    years! The last one sucked big time. I am doing the best that I can with
    that I know. I need all the experience that I get can get and I will be
    going back to school soon to finish my education. I only know how to use
    dreamweaver, been using that for years!
    Thank for the Village 88 link, I got my account set up and I will be
    looking to learn from it soon. :)
    Shelly Honeysuckle


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Digest for - 2 Messages in 1 Topic


    Se Pt <> Aug 28 07:52AM -0700  

    I want to install on my site - email service, for all users. Can I put
    Adsense in user mailboxes?


    "Sérgio Gomes" <> Aug 28 07:57AM -0700  

    Hi there,
    You probably don't want to be using our APIs for this; you might have
    better luck with your question in the AdSense support<>site.
    Sérgio Gomes
    Developer Relations
    Google UK Limited
    Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
    Registered in England Number: 3977902
    On Tuesday, August 28, 2012 3:52:45 PM UTC+1, Se Pt wrote:


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[WD&D] Digest for - 2 Messages in 1 Topic


    shels honeysuckle <> Aug 27 10:11PM -0700  

    Thanks Chris. Tonight is my friday and I will be looking into village88
    either tonight at work or tomorrow when I am off. I will have more time to
    view what village88 has to teach me. Also working with this group? Is
    giving me more experince then not working with them. Besides, we are all
    pagans, we will help each other no matter what we do. ^_^
    Shelly Honeysuckle


    chris walker <> Aug 28 05:30PM +0800  

    I spent a year of my life 20 years ago living with Pagans in Breitenbush. I
    hop you don't rule by consensus.
    Village 88 is a great resource. You can learn the important stuff quickly,
    although they do not cover responsive design. Once you learn the basics,
    you can transfer those new skills to responsive design. And start rocking.
    Village 88 teaches HTML/CSS using notepad++ . After you learn to design
    with notepad++, you might not use dreamweaver again. To be honest, I only
    use dreamweaver for complex tables then I copy and paste into notepad++
    I look forward to your progress and feedback on village 88
    On Aug 28, 2012 1:11 PM, "shels honeysuckle" <>


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

[Inside AdSense] PubTalk: Phillip Martin talks about becoming a full-time artist with Google AdSense

Every now and then we come across stories on how AdSense helps publishers succeed in different ways. It has helped grow small businesses like DocStoc, and also allowed people like Phillip Martin to follow their passion. Listen to Phillip tell his story below.

With AdSense, Phillip became a full-time artist creating clip art for his site and painting murals for charity in high-need communities.

Tell us your AdSense story and you might be featured in a future post. Send a photo of what you've been able to do with AdSense along with a quote that begins with "Because of Google AdSense…." to Please also include your publisher ID and your main website URL as well. We look forward to hearing from you.

This post is part of the PubTalk series of conversations with publishers.

Posted by: Yamini Gupta, Product Marketing Manager

Posted By Inside AdSense Team to Inside AdSense at 8/28/2012 09:25:00 AM

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    "" <> Aug 27 01:35AM -0500  

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    EDU, GOV, High PR, Wiki, Profile, Web 2 and More...
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Monday, August 27, 2012

[Inside AdSense] Policy Tips: Avoiding Copyright Infringement

One of the fantastic benefits of the Internet is that it puts incredible information and entertainment at our fingertips. We can instantly watch videos, listen to music, read news articles and much more. It's important to remember, however, that these works may be protected by copyright law.

We'd like to take a moment to explain the AdSense policies regarding copyrighted material and provide some tips on how to comply with them.

AdSense policy
It's against our policies to show ads alongside copyrighted material you don't have authorization to use. Simply put, you cannot run AdSense ads alongside copyrighted content that violates copyright laws, or alongside links to such content. The program policies go into more detail.

What's copyrighted?
Generally speaking, any original creative work that appears online is protected by copyright law. There are some exceptions, such as purely factual material, or material that has entered the public domain. But in general the reach of copyright law is very broad.

Do you have the right to use the material?
In most cases, without a specific license or exception, you don't have the right to offer most mainstream entertainment such as television shows, movies, and popular music on your website.

If you created the content entirely from scratch, chances are you hold the copyright. Generally, you're free to monetize this kind of content any way you like. If you didn't create the content, or you created it using other peoples' content as source material, you should ask yourself if you have a license or if an exception applies.

You may have acquired permission from the copyright holder for the material on your web site. This kind of permission is typically called a license. In this case, as long as your use is in line with the license you have, you should be okay.

There are also exceptions to copyright law that may apply to your use. Fair use in the United States, and other similar exceptions elsewhere, allow for certain kinds of uses of copyrighted material. Common examples are criticism or scholarship. There are other exceptions to copyright law as well.

We don't want AdSense used in ways that may support copyright violations, so we sometimes err on the side of caution if a site cannot demonstrate a clear legal basis for using or linking to copyrighted material.

Linking to filesharing hosts
It's against our policies to show ads on the same page as links to other sites that are hosting copyrighted materials without authorization. Keep in mind that these sites come in various forms such as forums, blogs or community websites.

Reporting instances of copyright infringement
If you believe that a site which is participating in the AdSense program is displaying your copyrighted material without the rights to do so, please report it using this form or by clicking on the AdChoices icon. If you'd like to know more information about copyright issues and AdSense, we encourage you to visit our Help Center.

Posted by Ben Barkhoff,  AdSense Policy Team

Posted By Inside AdSense Team to Inside AdSense at 8/27/2012 09:40:00 AM

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[WD&D] Digest for - 8 Messages in 1 Topic


    Ernest Okojie <> Aug 26 07:10AM +0100  

    @Chris the link is not opening, are you sure the add
    is correct.
    Best Regards


    chris walker <> Aug 26 10:02PM +0800  

    Oops, that is spelled wrong. is the correct url. This tablet
    drives me crazy. I spelled village incorrectly once when I first got it and
    now it thinks that I made a mistake when I actually spell it correctly and
    aotoINcorrects it


    Tyler Byrd <> Aug 26 07:52AM -0700  

    I think there is an extra L in that link. Here is the correct link:
    Tyler Byrd | President
    Red Rokk Interactive, Inc
    Video Introduction to Red Rokk:
    From: chris walker <>
    Reply-To: <>
    Date: Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:02 AM
    To: <>
    Subject: Re: Re: [WD&D] new website = new idea
    Oops, that is spelled wrong. is the correct url. This tablet
    drives me crazy. I spelled village incorrectly once when I first got it and
    now it thinks that I made a mistake when I actually spell it correctly and
    aotoINcorrects it
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    shels honeysuckle <> Aug 26 07:58AM -0700  

    OK I have try to reduce ALL the files on the site. Has of right now,
    everyone on the board does not want me to touch the design anymore. After
    the event is over in Oct, I will redesign and make it better. Right now, my
    hands are tied. Now has for, I am taking a look at it now and
    see what I can learn from it. Thanks for onces adivse. I am still at the
    learning part of building a website and I will keep on improving with all
    over your guys teaching.
    Thanks again,
    Shelly Honeysuckle


    shels honeysuckle <> Aug 26 08:14AM -0700  

    Ok, yeah I cannot do anything until after the event. So when I remodel
    it, I will get back to you all on it. If I make it any smaller, I will
    loose the wide and height of the image.
    On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 8:02 AM, shels honeysuckle <
    Shelly Honeysuckle


    chris walker <> Aug 26 11:38PM +0800  

    Obviously the members of "the board" don't appreciate your efforts to make
    the website viewable. So what you do is create a stage version in a
    subfolder, takes at least the HTML and CSS courses at village88 and then
    dial in the stage site and then make it the live site after it is ready
    On Aug 26, 2012 11:02 PM, "shels honeysuckle" <>


    chris walker <> Aug 27 12:39AM +0800  

    If you haven't noticed yet, working on a project for a group you are a
    member of, for a friend, or for a family member often turns into a


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Sunday, August 26, 2012


Your first 3 minutes are FREE talking live with me.

Please visit my website at:

Or, call me right now at: 1-800-275-5336 x0160

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[WD&D] Digest for - 4 Messages in 1 Topic


    shels honeysuckle <> Aug 25 02:18AM -0700  

    I took care of the blink lines, it was annoying me too. I think I fixed
    everything on it yesterday. Not sure what else I can do with it right now.
    Check on it when you all can and let me know. thanks for the help!
    On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 8:22 AM, shels honeysuckle <
    Shelly Honeysuckle


    Binaek Sarkar <> Aug 26 12:00AM +0530  

    I already told you Shels... Reduce the image sizes... The image
    2doorway.png is 913.95KB in size... Thats HUGE... Try to bring it down to
    less than 100KB...
    Binaek Sarkar


    chris walker <> Aug 26 09:55AM +0800  

    You know anyone can make a website, it is like falling off a log. Build it
    and they will come. There is no need to spend years learning and constantly
    upgrade those skills every time somebody farts. /sarcasm
    Shels, after the initial barage of observation and one pickup line, members
    here have given you some well intended advice. You need to take off your
    artist's beret` and think with the right side of your brain. I know the
    Picasso in you is trying to battle the geek but you have to meet half way.
    A website, like a house, needs a good foundation. Use a good framework to
    build it. You can then decorate like you want within reason, but you have
    to mind the CC&Rs .
    I will give you a link to help you in your pursuit of understanding the
    basics: While it is not a complete education in web
    design, the exercises will help you a lot. The courses are free and so is


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

[WD&D] Digest for - 13 Messages in 1 Topic


    Binaek Sarkar <> Aug 24 12:00PM +0530  

    You will have to wait for the background image to load...
    Its a HUGE file with almost half a MB in overhead...
    Binaek Sarkar


    Binaek Sarkar <> Aug 24 03:31PM +0530  

    Let us know if we can be of any help!!! Best of luck...
    Binaek Sarkar


    Liam Kenneth <> Aug 24 01:16PM +0100  

    You look hot in your profile pic, I can help you out with your site if you
    On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 1:06 PM, shels honeysuckle <


    Chris Walker <> Aug 24 08:18PM +0800  

    Site is still too wide to be viweable on most screene. Also when you use a dropcap you do not indent
    Sent from Samsung tabletshels honeysuckle <> wrote:ok I made some changes. Let me know what you think now.
    On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 3:28 AM, shels honeysuckle <> wrote:
    I don't even know what to do... Have a look at my site From the pagan pide site to this one... What am I doing different?
    On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 3:01 AM, Binaek Sarkar <> wrote:
    Let us know if we can be of any help!!! Best of luck...
    Binaek Sarkar
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    Shelly Honeysuckle
    Shelly Honeysuckle
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    chris walker <> Aug 24 08:27PM +0800  

    Don,t throw in the towel, what is your development environment?
    On Aug 24, 2012 8:21 PM, "shels honeysuckle" <>


    Liam Kenneth <> Aug 24 01:30PM +0100  

    Why are you having issues? the site is fine


    Liam Kenneth <> Aug 24 01:42PM +0100  

    Oh just checked your site and your images are just too wide. and your
    container should have a width set to 960 or 980px so it works on 1024


    Binaek Sarkar <> Aug 24 07:42PM +0530  

    For starters, you could lower the size of the images used in your site. I
    took a screenshot of the network profile of both the websites. It looks
    like HoneySickle is OK, but the new one needs some work. Whatever photo
    editing you use, most of them come with support to optimize images for the
    web. (I personally prefer Adobe Photoshop, but it burns a hole in your
    pocket. There are a lot free ones... GIMP being the best of them)
    As Liam said, you may want to set the width to 960-980px. That helps.
    You could check out Using a predefined grid system
    helps a lot when you are beginning. You don't have to make the website
    responsive just as yet. That will involve a lot of planning and work from
    the start. (But if you want to, is one of the best
    out there.)
    I see you took care of the scrolling issue. Good. But in doing so, you set
    a constant height to the container (767px to be precise). That is usually a
    bad idea. Use a *min-height *of around 500px. That should take care of it.
    I mentioned the CSS issue in my last post. You might want to take care of
    it. Lose the blank lines. Use one of those free online compressors. They do
    a pretty good job.
    Binaek Sarkar


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Friday, August 24, 2012

[Inside AdSense] Social Fridays: Help your site stand out with the +1 button

As Google+ has continued to evolve and grow, we've released a number of features and tools to help you engage with your users in new ways. We've heard from publishers that they'd like to ensure they're getting set up in the right way on Google+, and so we're kicking off a Social Friday series right here on our blog. Our goal is to help you make the most of Google+, discover ways to reach new audiences, and use our resources to make data-driven decisions.

Even if you've already gotten started with Google+, we encourage you to follow along over the next few weeks to make sure you're using our social tools optimally for your website and business. Today, we'll start off our series with a look at the +1 button, and show you how you can track its impact with Webmaster Tools.

The +1 button helps you expand your audience by enabling users to recommend your content to their friends and contacts. When a user clicks the +1 button on your site, they'll be able to share your site's link with their contacts via their Google+ stream. This can help you extend your reach beyond just your existing fans, to their circles of friends. Be sure to place the +1 button on your pages so that users can endorse your content -- we recommend locations like the header and footer of your pages, and also on pages that tend to be shared frequently, like articles or product pages.

In addition, +1 recommendations will be visible to a user's friends and contacts on relevant search results, which can help your site stand out. For example, let's say John is a fan of your content and he clicks a +1 button on your site. When John's friend Sue is logged in to her Google Account and performs a search that includes your site in the results, she may see an annotation below your site that tells her John has +1'd it. This annotation may help your site stand out to Sue because it's personally relevant to her. Overall, as potential visitors see recommendations from their friends and contacts among their Google search results, you could see more, and better qualified, traffic coming from Google.

So how is the +1 button performing for you so far? You can find out using Webmaster Tools with these three reports:
  1. Activity: View the total number of times your pages have been +1'd.
  2. Audience: See anonymous, aggregate information about the people  who +1'd your pages, including the total number of unique users, their location, and their age and gender. 
  3. Search impact: Compare the clickthrough rate (CTR) of +1'd search impressions to the general clickthrough rate for all impressions to determine how +1's are affecting your site's performance.

Get started with the +1 button on your pages today -- just generate a short snippet of code and paste it into the HTML of your site, as you do with your AdSense ad code. You'll also be able to customize the size and layout for your site. For help with the +1 button, visit our Google+ Webmaster FAQ.

Thanks for joining us for our first Social Fridays post. Next week, we'll discuss Google+ pages for your business and how to get set up optimally. Do you have feedback or best practices to share with other publishers about today's content? Feel free to leave us a comment on our AdSense +page.

Posted by Arlene Lee - Inside AdSense Team

Posted By Inside AdSense Team to Inside AdSense at 8/24/2012 06:10:00 AM

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[WD&D] Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic


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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

[WD&D] Digest for - 4 Messages in 1 Topic


    Shels <> Aug 22 03:28AM -0700  

    hello All,
    I haven't talk to guys in a LONG TIME! How is everyone doing these days? I
    been getting your emails, but not replying to anything. Anyway, I am still
    going at it with my designs and I am not giving up on it too. I got a new
    site I am working on, yes I am still in school and feel I will never finish
    Have a look at I am trying something with my designs too.
    Anyway, I need help with adding tag lines to help with the search engines
    on Google. I thought there was a code for that, but I haven't been able to
    find it. Anyway, I would like your thoughts on the site too.
    thanks everyone,


    chris walker <> Aug 22 07:01PM +0800  

    The most difficult aspect for graphic designers to grasp when they build
    websites is image sizes. It pains them to compromise and simplify their
    artwork to a web friendly format. Unfortunately, you are going to have to
    "dumb it down" for the public.
    I am thinking you have nice big monitor so it looks great to you. I cannot
    view your website on my Ipad or 7 inch tablet because it is too wide. Your
    first order of business is to get your website under 1000 Px wide.
    When you are ready to make your site Google friendly, sign up for Google
    webmaster tools and use the tools provided.
    Basically, you need metedata such as title, description, keywords in your
    head, but there are more requirements you need such as a sitemap, terms of
    use, and privacy policy


    Samuel Armah <> Aug 22 12:38PM  

    Well to start your page layout in clumsy...was also wondering if your page
    must scroll, because i don't see any scroll bars on the browser...have you
    disable scrolling?


    Binaek Sarkar <> Aug 23 01:21AM +0530  

    I have a bad habit of doing a network analysis of every page that comes my
    The first thing that comes to my notice is that you have too many images
    being loaded. Now, that's not a bad thing. The problem is that the images
    you have used have a HUGE size:
    - CPSPPD-title.png - 122.42KB
    - cpsppdsm-2011.jpg - 52.41KB
    - 1doorway.jpg - 520.23KB (that's big)
    - doorway-left.png - 149.92KB
    - doorway-right.png - 117.93KB
    That doorway image took away 16 seconds of the loading time in my machine.
    You should always stick to images of sizes lesser than 100KB, even for huge
    images. Compress them for the web. There are loads of tools available to do
    it for you. Some can even do batch processing.
    Moreover, I couldn't help but notice that you have used a combination of
    JPG and PNG images in your design. You should stick to only one format as
    far as you can. The more formats you use, the more parsers the client needs
    to load and that results in a little lag in the rendering of the page.
    Your CSS has too many blank lines. Each blank line takes up 2bytes (its
    actually 1 byte, but most servers play it safe and insert another byte to
    keep compatibility between Windows and other Operating Systems). So, if you
    have 20 of them, you are wasting 40 bytes for nothing. A quick run in an
    online compressor revealed that your CSS can be compressed by at least 20%.
    I have also attached the diagnostic messages from the tool when I fed it
    the CSS:
    *14* Fixed invalid number: Changed "1227" to "1227px"
    *15* Fixed invalid number: Changed "167" to "167px"
    *24* Optimised number: Changed "0px" to "0"
    *25* Optimised number: Changed "0px" to "0"
    *26* Optimised number: Changed "0px" to "0"
    *27* Optimised number: Changed "0px" to "0"
    *54* Optimised number: Changed "0px" to "0"
    *56* Fixed invalid number: Changed "50x" to "50px"
    *64* Optimised number: Changed "0px" to "0"
    *81* Optimised number: Changed "0px" to "0"
    *117* Invalid property in CSS2.1: size
    *142* Optimised color: Changed "#000000" to "#000"
    *152* Invalid property in CSS2.1: word-wrap
    *167* Invalid property in CSS2.1: alignment-adjust
    *184* Invalid property in CSS2.1: word-wrap
    *194* Invalid property in CSS2.1: word-wrap
    *209* Invalid property in CSS2.1: word-wrap
    *220* Invalid property in CSS2.1: word-wrap
    *278* Optimised color: Changed "#990000" to "#900"
    *282* Optimised color: Changed "#FFFFFF" to "#FFF"
    *287* Optimised color: Changed "#FFFFFF" to "#FFF"
    Another thing - when the background image is loading in the browser, the
    text on it is invisible (given that its black on black background). I was
    literally confused whether it had content at all till I had a view of the
    Source Code. You might want to consider changing the text and/or background
    color to help avoid confusion.
    I will need to go through the site more thoroughly to get a detailed
    insight. Till then... Good Luck...
    Binaek Sarkar


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