Monday, December 31, 2012
iPhone App - 20/20 Vision
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Digest for - 2 Messages in 1 Topic
- accountId and adClientId [2 Updates]
- Ashesh Bharadwaj <> Dec 31 12:04PM +0530
Hi Jose,
There are no ads in the newly created account. Where am I going to get the
"adUnitId" if I have to use "getAdCode" before creating the ad?
I was under impression that first we create the ad using "insert" which
returns the "adUnitId" and then we call "getAdCode" with that "adUnitId" to
get the HTML code for that ad.
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 12:06 AM, Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team) <
Ashesh Bharadwaj
- "Sérgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)" <> Dec 31 01:15AM -0800
Hi Ashesh,
That's correct; first you create an ad unit, then you generate the ad code
for it. You're getting an error because you're missing a number of
properties on your ad unit.
Check for
a full listing.
Sérgio Gomes
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
Registered in England Number: 3977902
On Monday, 31 December 2012 06:34:28 UTC, Ashesh Bharadwaj wrote:
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[WD&D] Digest for - 2 Messages in 1 Topic
- Rotating videos on Wordpress [2 Updates]
- axeman41 <> Dec 30 11:24AM -0800
Hello folks!
I have a set of videos. I want a different one to play each time a visitor
returns to the page. Does anyone know of a plugin that would do this?
- Pixelita Designs <> Dec 30 02:25PM -0600
I would think any good randomizer plugin that allows video content, not just text, would do the trick. I have used the CIMY slider plugin to preload images that are displayed randomly on each page refresh.
Joni Mueller
Pixelita Designs
Follow us on Twitter @PixelitaDesigns
Sent from my iPad
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Sunday, December 30, 2012
Digest for - 2 Messages in 1 Topic
- accountId and adClientId [2 Updates]
- Ashesh Bharadwaj <> Dec 29 05:21PM +0530
You guys respond so quickly so thought incase the previous message was
missed. Bumping it again for your perusal :)
On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Ashesh Bharadwaj <
Ashesh Bharadwaj
- "Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team)" <> Dec 29 10:36AM -0800
Hi Ashesh,
Use the getAdCode method. "Insert" is used to create new ad units.
Jose Alcérreca
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
Registered in England Number: 3977902
Google Inc.| Developer Relations | *AdSense API Team* |
On Thursday, 27 December 2012 08:39:29 UTC, Ashesh Bharadwaj wrote:
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Saturday, December 29, 2012
Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic
- sorry chou <> Dec 28 05:07AM -0800
i want to insert new adunits, how to know the available values of some
field like contentAdsSettings.type, contentAdsSettings.size?
thank you!!
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Friday, December 28, 2012
[Inside AdSense] A look back at 2012 highlights
- With your feedback in mind, we made updates to the AdSense interface including a refresh to the Ad review center and the ability to add multiple users to your account. We also introduced more reporting features, a new look to Performance reports, and enabled you to manage your account and block ads directly from your site with the new Publisher Toolbar.
- You asked for more tips to help increase your revenue, so we showed ways to improve your site by using social tools, going mobile, making user experience changes, and using DoubleClick for Publishers Small Business. Many of you reported revenue uplift (up to 400% for some!) after implementing specific changes recommended through an email or the AdSense interface.
- We had the opportunity to connect with many of you through our AdSense in Your City events (now called Learn with Google for Publishers), and through our newly created AdSense +page. We'd love to continue these interactions, so be sure to opt in to receive special offers, and follow our AdSense +page for the latest updates and Hangouts.
- You let us know that you value hearing from other publishers, so we highlighted publisher stories throughout the year, including Philip Martin, who became an artist with the help of AdSense.
- We made the payments process easier by updating the look of the Payments page in the AdSense interface and by extending payment options in Southeast Asia.
- We introduced changes to ad formats to provide you more options and increase your earning potential.
- You also told us that improved communication around the AdSense policies are important to you. We reviewed policy resources, provided some tips and announced ways we can work better together.
It was a busy and fulfilling year working with you, our dedicated publishers. Stay tuned for updates on future improvements. Happy New Year, and we'll see you in 2013!
Posted by Jamie Firkus - Inside AdSense Team
Posted By Inside AdSense Team to Inside AdSense at 12/28/2012 07:30:00 AM --
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[WD&D] Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic
- Dakoom Zega <> Dec 27 05:49PM
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Thursday, December 27, 2012
Digest for - 5 Messages in 2 Topics
- accountId and adClientId [3 Updates]
- Reports earnings [2 Updates]
- Ashesh <> Dec 25 11:51PM -0800
it requires accountId and adClientId.
I understand that we get accountId after calling Associationsessions:
verify but from where do we get the *adClientId*?
- "Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team)" <> Dec 26 01:09PM -0800
Hi Ashesh,
You can get a list of your ad clients using
You may want to look for "AFC" as your productCode.
Jose Alcérreca
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
Registered in England Number: 3977902
Google Inc.| Developer Relations | *AdSense API Team* |
On Wednesday, 26 December 2012 07:51:44 UTC, Ashesh wrote:
- Ashesh Bharadwaj <> Dec 27 02:09PM +0530
Thanks Jose for the prompt reply :)
Now just one last thing before I could make this whole thing work.
How to get the adcode to show on pages?
I am using the onpage functionality to create a test ad by putting
following values:
accountId: pub-xxx
adClientId: ca-pub-xx (seems to be same as accountId except tje "ca-"
"type": "TEXT"
The response is:
400 Bad Request
- Show headers -
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "invalid",
"message": "Invalid Value"
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid Value"
On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 2:39 AM, Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team) <
Ashesh Bharadwaj
- Supriyadi Pro <> Dec 22 07:57AM -0800
Why my youtube analytics reports earnings always no reports? I want to
track adsense revenue, but there is always a notice "no data for the
report, the content, and the selected date range. If possible, try to
choose a wider date range, different content, or return 1-2 days after most
of the data Most recent has been processed ".
My channel :
Please help me.
Thank you
- "Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team)" <> Dec 26 01:02PM -0800
Hi Supriyadi,
Are you using the AdSense API? Where do you get that notice from?
Jose Alcérreca
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
Registered in England Number: 3977902
Google Inc.| Developer Relations | *AdSense API Team* |
On Saturday, 22 December 2012 15:57:18 UTC, Supriyadi Pro wrote:
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012
[WD&D] Digest for - 2 Messages in 2 Topics
- Hacked Account and Merry Christmas [1 Update]
- [No Subject] [1 Update]
- Jonathan Anderson <> Dec 25 03:19AM -0700
Sorry for the repeat email to those of you who received this already, but I
was able to come up with a full list of email addresses that received fake
emails from me. So, for those of you who haven't received it yet, please
note that my Gmail account was broken into earlier this evening and after
discovering the problem, I sent the following message...
Hello everyone,
It looks like my Gmail account was probably hacked a few minutes ago. I
stopped the attack within a couple minutes, but I believe several emails
were sent out while my account was compromised. If you received an email
from me sometime between 10:39 and 10:43PM Pacific, *assume it was fake and
delete it immediately. * I apologize for whatever comes your way. I'll
resend any real emails that need to be resent.
In the meantime, Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you and your families
are having a wonderful time together! If you have any questions or
concerns, let me know. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you all,
Jonny Anderson
- Jonathan Anderson <> Dec 24 11:41PM -0700
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Friday, December 21, 2012
Digest for - 3 Messages in 2 Topics
- Code accessing an old Adsense API [2 Updates]
- AdSense Host API v3 sunset is postponed [1 Update]
- Dec 17 02:38PM -0800
I recently ran across some code accessing an Adsense API call that looks
like this, and I was wondering if anyone knows which API it is?
- "Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team)" <> Dec 20 03:28AM -0800
What do you mean by "code accessing an AdSense API call"? That URL is not
an API call.
Jose Alcérreca
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
Registered in England Number: 3977902
Google Inc.| Developer Relations | *AdSense API Team* |
- "Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team)" <> Dec 20 02:54AM -0800
Hi everyone,
The v3 of the AdSense Host API has been deprecated for a while and won't be
supported from January the 1st, but not yet turned off.
We will shut it down early this year so make sure you start the migration
to AdSense Host API v4.1 <>right away, if you haven't already done so.
Jose Alcérreca
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
Registered in England Number: 3977902
Google Inc.| Developer Relations | *AdSense API Team* |
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Thursday, December 20, 2012
Digest for - 3 Messages in 3 Topics
- authenticate with live account, make API call with sandbox account [1 Update]
- report metrics, meanings [1 Update]
- generate report filters, host channels [1 Update]
- "Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team)" <> Dec 19 03:42AM -0800
"Developer" and "host" roles are different things, we put them on the same
sandbox account for convenience. There is no "developer sandbox account".
Correction to my previous post: a sandbox host account can only be
associated to a sandbox publisher account.
If you want to use your live account you'll be able to create channels and
report on the host's performance, but not on the publishers': No publisher
ad units will be seen from the host.
Jose Alcérreca
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
Registered in England Number: 3977902
Google Inc.| Developer Relations | *AdSense API Team* | developers <>
On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 06:06:46 UTC, Group Participant wrote:
- "Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team)" <> Dec 19 03:34AM -0800
Hi again,
"TOTAL_EARNINGS" adds earnings from the host and all the publishers.
"EARNINGS" refers only to a publisher.
We are working on the definitions list. Thanks for your suggestions!
Jose Alcérreca
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
Registered in England Number: 3977902
Google Inc.| Developer Relations | *AdSense API Team* | developers <>
On Wednesday, 19 December 2012 01:01:56 UTC, Group Participant wrote:
- "Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team)" <> Dec 19 02:29AM -0800
:) glad I could help.
Jose Alcérreca
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
Registered in England Number: 3977902
Google Inc.| Developer Relations | *AdSense API Team* | developers <>
On Wednesday, 19 December 2012 00:29:48 UTC, Group Participant wrote:
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Digest for - 2 Messages in 2 Topics
- report metrics, meanings [1 Update]
- generate report filters, host channels [1 Update]
- Group Participant <> Dec 18 05:01PM -0800
What is the difference between EARNINGS and TOTAL_EARNINGS?
(Actually I am unclear on the meanings of a number of metrics and
dimensions aside from the above. Brief explanations in the docs would be
- Group Participant <> Dec 18 04:29PM -0800
My question should have been worded "What filters are used to retrieve the
data for a specific client inside a specific host channel?"
> In that particular case you need to use HOSTED_AD_CLIENT_ID, which
> corresponds to the ad client id of a publisher.
and this appears to be the answer I was looking for; thank you.
2012年12月18日火曜日 18時52分17秒 UTC+9 Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team):
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[WD&D] Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic
- Mike Carson <> Dec 18 09:33AM -0800
RFPs, Proposals & Contracts for Web Developers Don't Miss This Webinar! Want
to close more sales?
Want to increase your revenue?
Want to attract better clients?
Learn how to break out of the amatuer freelance mindset and get your
business on a professional and protected foundation for the future.
2 sessions to choose from:
*Date: Friday, December 21th, 2012* *Date: Friday, December 20th, 2012* Time:
9:00 am CST - 11:00 am CST 3:00 pm CST - 5:00 pm CST Register Now!<> Register
Now! <>
This extremely popular presentation has been given at events around the US
in 2012 and has received excellent reviews from many attendees. The
information is now being brought online to you through this webinar.
What will you learn?
In this 2 hour information-packed webinar, you will learn:
1) The 3 differences in the types of requests you may receive and how you
can qualify them to so you don't waste time, increasing your chances of
converting leads into clients.
2) The steps of the proposal process, how to respond to an RFP, how to
appear professional, how to upsell the client and the tools and resources
3) How you can increase your revenue with the little things and where you
may have lost opportunities in the past in the hopes that you can land
those "Bigger Fish" and turn every client into a longterm relationship in
the future.
4) In the second half of the presentation you will learn about the
importance of contracts, how to write a solid contract, the elements that
should be included, and some little known "forgettable" items you will need
in case things go wrong.
Who should attend?
Freelancers, Web Designers, Web Programmers and Developers, CEO's,
Marketing Agencies, Web Agencies, Project Managers and anyone that wants to
grow their business and attract more clients.
What you will get?
All participants will receive a professionally-structured proposal and
contract pack that you can use in your own web development business. You
will have an opportunity to ask questions at the end and get expert advice
from the instructor. If you are serious about taking your web design and
development firm to the next level, you need to attend this webinar. You
cannot get this kind of advice and consultation anywhere else. And, at this
price, you seriously don't want to miss out on an opportunity of a
lifetime. By applying some of our simple principles you will easily get the
cost of this webinar back (and more) the first time you respond to your
next proposal request.
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012
[Inside AdSense] Local success stories: Qué Tiempo grows by 30% by going mobile
Qué Tiempo is a Spanish site that displays the weather forecast globally. Ángel and Manuel became AdSense publishers in 2007 and over the years, thanks to investing in their content, optimizing their ads and growing their traffic, they've been able to build a team of more than 20 employees and invest in new ventures.
Back in 2008, they could already see through Google Analytics that the traffic coming from mobile devices was growing, so they decided to develop in-house.
Their mobile traffic has successfully grown by 20% over the last two years. New users are arriving to the mobile-friendly version of their site from mobile devices, while the desktop version is experiencing a 10% year over year growth. This shows that mobile traffic is additional, not substitutional, and mobile usage is complementary to desktop.
Thanks to the increase in their mobile traffic, together with a successful implementation of their ads, Qué Tiempo saw their daily earnings grow by 30%. The CTR of their mobile leaderboard 320x50 now doubles the CTR on their desktop ads. In addition, the CPC of their mobile ads is 100% higher than the CPC of the desktop site.
Most of Qué Tiempo's efforts are now focused on improving their mobile site with features like geotargeting, which makes it possible to deliver accurate location-specific weather forecasts.
"We encourage other publishers to build a mobile-friendly site, not only because they'll quickly see their revenue grow thanks to the available Google AdSense mobile formats, but also because the future of your online business depends on your mobile strategy, a market with infinite possibilities."
Posted by Alicia Escriba - Inside AdSense team
This information is current as of December 18th, 2012.
Posted By Inside AdSense Team to Inside AdSense at 12/18/2012 09:22:00 AM --
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Digest for - 4 Messages in 2 Topics
- generate report filters, host channels [2 Updates]
- authenticate with live account, make API call with sandbox account [2 Updates]
- Group Participant <> Dec 17 10:45PM -0800
Given there is a host channel h1 which is associated with multiple
publishers p1, p2, ..., pn, can the filter
CUSTOM_CHANNEL_ID==<h1 id>,AD_CLIENT_ID==<pn client id>
be used to retrieve the data for pn inside the data for h1, excluding data
for other publishers inside h1's data?
(I would just test this myself to find out but I haven't yet figured out
how to access live data from the sandbox.)
- "Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team)" <> Dec 18 01:52AM -0800
Hi there,
You can try the filter with the APIs explorer (or your app) to check that
there are no syntax errors or general warnings.
In that particular case you need to use HOSTED_AD_CLIENT_ID, which
corresponds to the ad client id of a publisher. AD_CLIENT_ID is used for
host client ids (which I guess is not what you want).
Jose Alcérreca
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
Registered in England Number: 3977902
Google Inc.| Developer Relations | *AdSense API Team* | developers <>
On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 06:45:50 UTC, Group Participant wrote:
- "Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team)" <> Dec 17 03:47AM -0800
Hi there,
You'll need your developer credentials to query the host API and an AdSense
account to act as the publisher.
In order to access publisher data, an Association has to be performed. If
you try to access someone else's data, you'll get a 403.
My guess is that you're using your live data IDs but you haven't associated
the account.
About your last note: you'll be able to access data but you can't show ads
if you're using the host API from a sandbox account. That means that you'll
receive empty reports but it's handy in order to check for implementation
errors, create ad units, channels, etc.
Jose Alcérreca
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
Registered in England Number: 3977902
Google Inc.| Developer Relations | *AdSense API Team* | developers <>
On Friday, 14 December 2012 02:34:39 UTC, Group Participant wrote:
- Group Participant <> Dec 17 10:06PM -0800
> You'll need your developer credentials to query the host API and an
> AdSense account to act as the publisher.
The AdSense account to act as the publisher in this case being the live
development account?
In order to access publisher data, an Association has to be performed.
This is done by logging in to Google as the live development user, then
going through the Adsense Host signup process for the sandbox account? If
this assumption is correct, I'm imagining the live development account will
be associated as a publisher with the sandbox development account.
2012年12月17日月曜日 20時47分21秒 UTC+9 Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team):
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Friday, December 14, 2012
Digest for - 2 Messages in 2 Topics
- authenticate with live account, make API call with sandbox account [1 Update]
- Review process [1 Update]
- Group Participant <> Dec 13 06:34PM -0800
I was told this by email.
If you just need to run some quick tests, you can use the same developer
> credentials you already have, but authenticate with your real, live
> account. That should give you access to all the functionality, on your live
> account.
Read: authenticate with your live developer account, make API calls with
the sandbox developer credentials, access data from your live account, i.e.
live data.
Issue the first, doing this always returns a 403 error.
Then, something that just doesn't make sense, if this is able to be done,
doesn't that suggest that any developer account can be used for
authentication by any other developer? My live account and sandbox account
have no apparent relation that would allow access to each other; they seem
to be distinct accounts (the associated emails are different and I don't
see any other commonalities). Why is it possible for developer A to
authenticate with developer B's account?
Lastly, if live data can be revised using this roundabout method and the
live account is only needed for authentication, what reason does one have
to go through Google's review process to activate v4 on the live account?
- Sandor Lezsak <> Dec 13 04:20AM -0800
Dear Support,
how long does it take to review the business model? I've sent a mail to
about the business model with page view confirmation on sunday, but I
didn't received any response yet. If my application is rejected, will the
support notify me?
Thank you,
Sandor Lezsak
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Thursday, December 13, 2012
Digest for - 4 Messages in 3 Topics
- [0-59714289] AdSense Host API Access [2 Updates]
- faq docs [1 Update]
- Error using google-api-python-client-1.0c1 [1 Update]
- "Nicolas Gremion" <> Dec 12 03:22PM -0600
Hey Sérgio,
Sorry to keep bugging you, but I wanted to see if you got the email below in regards to the sandbox account? Was hoping we could get access to it before the Holidays so we can work on it during the down time while most are partying ;-)
Nicolas Gremion <>
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit" Aristotle
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From: Nicolas Gremion []
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 11:05 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [0-59714289] AdSense Host API Access
Any news on the sandbox accounts? Thanks,
Nicolas Gremion <>
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit" Aristotle
INADVERTENT DISCLOSURE: The information contained herein is confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s). If you received this email and you are not in the "to" or "cc" line, it means that this is an inadvertent disclosure, and you are hereby notified that I am invoking the "inadvertent disclosure rule". You now have an ethical duty (i) to immediately delete the email without reading it, or (ii) to notify the sender and return it. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you have no right to the contents of it. Information included in this email does not constitute a trade confirmation or an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy/sell securities. Past performance is not indicative of future returns.
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From: []
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 9:51 AM
Subject: RE: [0-59714289] AdSense Host API Access
Yes, that email address doesn't seem to be connected to any AdSense account, so it will work nicely.
I'll get in touch with you once we have your sandbox account set up!
Sérgio Gomes
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9TQ
Registered in England Number: 3977902
Google Inc.| Developer Relations | AdSense API Team | <>
Follow us on our <> Google Ads Developer page on Google+ and our <> Google Ads Developer Blog to learn more about the different Ads APIs at Google.
On 10/03/12 15:57:51 "Nicolas Gremion" <> wrote:
Thanks for your quick reply Sérgio! Can you use our developer's email which is for the sandbox account?
Nicolas Gremion <>
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit" Aristotle
INADVERTENT DISCLOSURE: The information contained herein is confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s). If you received this email and you are not in the "to" or "cc" line, it means that this is an inadvertent disclosure, and you are hereby notified that I am invoking the "inadvertent disclosure rule". You now have an ethical duty (i) to immediately delete the email without reading it, or (ii) to notify the sender and return it. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you have no right to the contents of it. Information included in this email does not constitute a trade confirmation or an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy/sell securities. Past performance is not indicative of future returns.
Some of the information in this email contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements typically are identified by use of terms such as "anticipate," "believe," "plan," "expect," "future," "intend," "may," "will," "should," "estimate," "predict," "potential," "continue," and similar words, although some forward-looking statements address matters that involve risk and uncertainties, and there are many important risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause the Company's actual results, as well as those of the markets the Company serves, levels of activity, performance, achievements and prospects to differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained in this email. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or review any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of a new information, future developments or otherwise.
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 8:30 AM
Subject: RE: [0-59714289] AdSense Host API Access
Hey Nicolas,
We have a new sandbox in v4.1, which runs on the same environment as production; the only difference is that sandbox host accounts are marked as "sandbox" in our database, do not show ads, and can only create (and be associated) with sandbox publisher accounts.
This means you can use the AdSense website to inspect and modify the accounts for your API testing, and you won't have to change your endpoint when switching accounts between sandbox and production, at the end of your migration.
Given this, could you provide me with a working email address that you'd like tied to your new sandbox host account? Remember that it can't be tied to any other AdSense account, as the goal is to point it to the new one.
If you use GMail, you can try the "+" trick; if you send an email to, it'll show up in, but if you create a new Google account with this email, it'll actually be a separate Google account. You can also use this trick once you get access and start creating publisher accounts, to reduce the number of email accounts you need to create.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Sérgio Gomes
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9TQ
Registered in England Number: 3977902
Google Inc.| Developer Relations | AdSense API Team | <>
Follow us on our <> Google Ads Developer page on Google+ and our <> Google Ads Developer Blog to learn more about the different Ads APIs at Google.
On 10/03/12 15:19:33 wrote:
Hi Nicolas,
Apologies for the delay, we're just finalising the sandbox account creation process at the moment. I'll send you a private email with more details.
Sérgio Gomes
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9TQ
Registered in England Number: 3977902
Google Inc.| Developer Relations | AdSense API Team | <>
Follow us on our <> Google Ads Developer page on Google+ and our <> Google Ads Developer Blog to learn more about the different Ads APIs at Google.
On 10/03/12 14:26:49 "Nicolas Gremion" <> wrote:
It has been more than a week I have requested for access to AdSense Host API (default quota) through console. I got a "Your response has been recorded" when I submitted. Any idea how much time does it take?
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- "Sérgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)" <> Dec 12 05:34PM -0800
Hi Nicolas,
No worries at all, I did promise sometime early this week after all :)
Your sandbox account has been created, as well as all of the pending ones
for which we have full details. You should have a new email with
Let us know if you have any questions!
Sérgio Gomes
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
Registered in England Number: 3977902
On Wednesday, 12 December 2012 21:22:40 UTC, Nicolas Gremion wrote:
- "Sérgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)" <> Dec 12 07:28AM -0800
The FAQ <> is back, updated
for v4.1. I reviewed the whole thing, but let me know if you find any
outdated content.
Sérgio Gomes
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
Registered in England Number: 3977902
On Tuesday, 11 December 2012 15:20:15 UTC, Sérgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)
- "Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team)" <> Dec 12 02:09AM -0800
Hi Johnny!
Can you log the result and check if there are any warnings?
Should be accessible with
Jose Alcérreca
Developer Relations
Google UK Limited
Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
Registered in England Number: 3977902
Google Inc.| Developer Relations | *AdSense API Team* | developers <>
On Wednesday, 12 December 2012 03:43:34 UTC, Johnny Hom wrote:
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Coming soon: Learn with Google for Publishers
Two and a half years ago we started the AdSense in Your City program with the goal of meeting publishers face-to-face and providing tips to help you increase your earnings. From Orlando, Florida to Tokyo, Japan, we've visited over 100 cities around the world and talked to thousands of publishers. We asked you what you've liked and what could be improved. Based on your feedback, we've made some changes.
We're excited to announce that, in 2013, AdSense in Your City events will be evolving into Learn with Google for Publishers. We understand that many of you are using Google products beyond AdSense to grow your business. Our transition to this Google-wide initiative is part of our effort to help publishers like you make the most from the Web. Learn with Google for Publishers goes beyond just AdSense optimization tips. We'll also cover new topics such as site design, analytics and ad serving. Below is our North America schedule for the next three months; our international schedule will be posted here on Inside AdSense shortly, so stay tuned!
- New York, NY - January 1, 2013
- Los Angeles, CA - February 7, 2013
- Toronto, Canada - February 19, 2013
- Chicago, IL - March 5, 2013
Phillip Martin is one publisher who went to a Google event this year; take a look at his inspiring story in this short video:
If you'd like to attend one of our upcoming events, fill out this form and we'll send out event confirmation details two weeks before the event. Space is limited, so sign up quickly.
Be sure to check out our complementary Learn with Google webinar series. And, if you're as excited as we are about Learn with Google for Publishers, let us know on our AdSense +page.
Posted by Ian Cohan-Shapiro - Inside AdSense Team
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[Inside AdSense] Coming soon: Learn with Google for Publishers
We're excited to announce that, in 2013, AdSense in Your City events will be evolving into Learn with Google for Publishers. We understand that many of you are using Google products beyond AdSense to grow your business. Our transition to this Google-wide initiative is part of our effort to help publishers like you make the most from the Web. Learn with Google for Publishers goes beyond just AdSense optimization tips. We'll also cover new topics such as site design, analytics and ad serving. Below is our North America schedule for the next three months; our international schedule will be posted here on Inside AdSense shortly, so stay tuned!
- New York, NY - January 1, 2013
- Los Angeles, CA - February 7, 2013
- Toronto, Canada - February 19, 2013
- Chicago, IL - March 5, 2013
If you'd like to attend one of our upcoming events, fill out this form and we'll send out event confirmation details two weeks before the event. Space is limited, so sign up quickly.
Be sure to check out our complementary Learn with Google webinar series. And, if you're as excited as we are about Learn with Google for Publishers, let us know on our AdSense +page.
Posted by Ian Cohan-Shapiro - Inside AdSense Team
Posted By Inside AdSense Team to Inside AdSense at 12/12/2012 09:23:00 AM --
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