- issues with Joomla [7 Updates]
- Ernest Okojie <> Mar 29 06:19PM +0100
i created a joomla site which
displays fine but the issue is that when i click on links like it displays
without the css taking effect as it does on the home page.
this is not the first time am using the particular joomla framework
and it has never behaved like this. But am using the host for the
first time.
What can the problem be? thanks in advance
- Ernest Okojie <> Mar 29 06:25PM +0100
oops! i forgot to add that it works fine offline.
Best Regards
- Chris Walker <> Mar 30 01:45AM +0800
In your configuration file, you need to check the entry for the live
site and make sure that it includes the www. in the name. There is a
possibility that you do not have a livesite url set at all, which can
make strange things happen. I would also rename htaccess.txt to
.htaccess and set SEF urls to on with add suffix. That should take care
of your problem,
Let me know how it works out for you!
On 3/30/2013 1:19 AM, Ernest Okojie wrote:
- Chris Walker <> Mar 30 01:49AM +0800
Also, while you are at it, upgrade from 1.5 it is not supported anymore.
3.0 is out and it works great. I am attaching the joomla upgrade
component to get you to 2.5. It is free and open source so it is okay
for me to send it to you!
On 3/30/2013 1:19 AM, Ernest Okojie wrote:
- Ernest Okojie <> Mar 29 07:35PM +0100
Thanks Chris, you are my hero. i already worked on the configuration
file. i solved the issue by doing an online joomla install and
replacing the database of the new one with the old database in
phpmyadmin in my hosting control panel. i also replaced the template
folder. all the files and databases work fine now.
thanks for the component, i will start the upgrage next tomorrow. but
what am i likely to lose when i upgrade? Thanks a million.
ps.i am now becoming good with my css. thanks also for the village88
school you suggested.
Best Regards
- Chris Walker <> Mar 30 02:49AM +0800
I am glad to hear you took advantage of villiage88. It is a great free
resource. You do not know how happy that makes me! I will send you some
other stuff to in an email with a link to download. I will also send
you a list of my basic FREE joomla components I always install on a new
On 3/30/2013 2:35 AM, Ernest Okojie wrote:
- Chris Walker <> Mar 30 03:20AM +0800
People like you that actually take advice and benefit from it are what
Doug had in mind when he created this board. You give me hope and reason
to continue helping.
As far as what you will lose in the upgrade, it depends on what
components you have installed. If the site is pretty Vanilla, you will
probably be alright. Developers are bringing extensions up to 2.5 and
3.0 ready.
Are you running php 5.3? If so, once you have the upgrade done in the
upgrade folder, go to the updates section of the admin and turn on
development updates to get 3.0 installed. The 2.5 interface is quite a
bit different than the 1.5 and the 3.0 is quite a bit different from 2.5
so you might as well jump into 3.0 if you can to ease the learning
curve. You will find that once you learn your way around 3.0, it is
faster to develop with than 1.5 or 2.5.
As always, just ask if you get stuck, I am happy to help.
On 3/30/2013 2:35 AM, Ernest Okojie wrote:
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