Friday, May 30, 2014

Digest for - 3 updates in 2 topics


    "Sérgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)" <> May 29 01:53AM -0700  

    Hi Daniel,
    You'll need to get the refresh token from the client and store it in some
    form of persistence layer (a file in your server, or a database, for
    example). This page<> should
    Sérgio Gomes
    Developer Relations
    Google UK Limited
    Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
    Registered in England Number: 3977902
    On Monday, 26 May 2014 15:39:57 UTC+1, Daniel Mayans wrote:


    "Markéta Baťková" <> May 29 12:12AM -0700  

    I have been using Adsense Management API for a month, all OK, yesterday I
    am not able to receive anything. From me :
    1) I am using OAUTH with offline access
    2) It was working perfectly
    3) now returns 403 error
    4) I have tried to remove project from Developers console and crete it
    again, does not work
    5) I have tried to create a new user with access to Adsense account, new
    project under the new email, does not work
    6) I have tried OAuth 2.0 Playground, step 3 returns 403 no user accounts
    for all requests, even
    It's not about login, it seems that Management API does not know about my
    AdSense account.
    Any help?


    "Sérgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)" <> May 29 01:48AM -0700  

    Hi Markéta,
    If you made no changes to your code, and everything was working previously,
    this could potentially be an issue with your AdSense account. In the
    interest of ruling that out first, could you log into and see if that works?
    Sérgio Gomes
    Developer Relations
    Google UK Limited
    Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
    Registered in England Number: 3977902
    On Thursday, 29 May 2014 08:12:57 UTC+1, Markéta Baťková wrote:


[WD&D] Digest for - 10 updates in 1 topic


    Liam Kenneth <> May 29 08:36AM +0100  

    lol I feel your pain, I never learnt table layout I went straight to css
    but I remember the trouble I had getting layouts to work. And when I did it
    looked great in Firefox but Sh*t in Internet Explorer.
    I never use the css table property for building my layouts, i use it to
    vertically align stuff if needed.
    Your layout I would tackle it by setting that whole image as the background
    of a container div that's centered. width:xxx; margin:0 auto; and set it so
    then i would absolutely position the content div inside the white space and
    do the same for the sidebar.
    or scrap it all together and learn a framework like bootstrap You will be building killer websites in no time :)


    Liam Kenneth <> May 29 08:55AM +0100  

    Can I have the design? I will show you how I would build it with divs and
    you can look at how I did it. It may help you get that ah-ha moment?


    Joni Mueller <> May 29 10:31AM -0500  

    The best thirty bucks you'll ever spend (outside of sporting event tickets!).
    Joni Mueller
    Pixelita Designs
    Follow us on Twitter @pixelitadesigns
    From: [] On Behalf Of Artist []
    Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 3:12 AM
    To: Web Design and Development
    Subject: Re: [WD&D] Layout Tutotial
    Just because I am frustrated does not mean I am going to give up my design. The whole reason I do custom sites is because I don't want them to look like someone else's template or bootstrap. The whole idea was to find a tutorial that made sense, not to get someone to fix my mistakes again. I know I can do this easily (so f'n easily it is ridiculous) with tables. I will if I cannot find a decent solution for doing it with divs.


    Liam Kenneth <> May 29 05:38PM +0100  



    Chris Walker <> May 30 07:47AM +0800  

    Here is a little snippet I wrote from memory so you don't get tricked
    into using a framework such as bootstrap or uikit! Notice a few of
    things.. You have to make sure and float the divs left to get them to
    nest properly at full width. Once the screensize reduces. then they will
    stack. You also need to use the "clearfix" div to separate your nesting
    divs from the next set. Thirdly, notice the "viewport" metatag. By the
    way, bootstrap is a great framework and if you lookup "html5 bootstrap
    templates" online, maybe at themeforest, you can see that beautiful
    sites can be produced with it that are very unique. It takes extra
    effort though in creating css styles of your own.
    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1">
    .full { width: 100%; padding: 10px }
    .third (width: 33%; padding: 10px; float: left;}
    .forth {width: 25%; padding: 10px; float: left;}
    .half {width: 50%; padding: 10px; float: left;}
    <div class="full">
    <div class="third>...</div>

    <div class="third>...</div>

    <div class="third>...</div>

    <div class="clearfix"> </div>
    On 5/29/2014 4:12 PM, Artist wrote:


Thursday, May 29, 2014

[WD&D] Digest for - 7 updates in 1 topic


    Ian Jamieson <> May 28 08:18AM +0200  

    I'd need to know more. Are you talking about a grid based layout?


    Artist <> May 28 11:26AM -0700  

    Yes. It is grid based, but theoretically I could also make it responsive
    with a different set of css instructions for mobile based handhelds.
    A perfect example is at

    Notice how there is a line right through the layout and there is no menu?
    The actual file that I am playing around TRYING to make some sort of layout
    with is at...

    That one is driving me nuts. It IS supposed to be a CSS tables build
    layout, but for some reason the jumbled mess comes out, and I cannot make
    sense of it.
    As I said, I have many such examples. Even the site is one of
    them. Right now, the single column layout is what you see, but the
    problem is that I am having the same issue with the double column version.
    So, as these are related to using CSS <div> correctly, and I have NEVER
    been able to do it right because I can't get a handle on it, I am not
    looking for a fellow designer to correct my mistakes and leave me in the
    dark (which is always what happens here). I am looking for a good
    tutorial on how to use CSS to structure my HTML <div> tags correctly and
    appropriately that will allow me to walk away with a "that makes sense, I
    can't believe it was always that simple." kinda feeling.
    CSS layouts have been around a very long time, and even though I have been
    using them, if I can't figure it out for each and every instance I go to
    use them, it is starting to make less and less sense in doing so. I'm
    embarrassed by my own work, my inability to get certain things right, and I
    Thank you.
    On Wednesday, May 28, 2014 1:18:37 AM UTC-5, COGO wrote:


    Joni Mueller <> May 28 01:42PM -0500  

    I am not sure background: none; is the right choice in a lot of instances (I'd likely use background: transparent; or background: inherit -- depending on what you want to achieve.
    You have no floated elements, which is a good thing, but the positioning may need to be tweaked.
    I can take a closer look later this evening. I struggled with moving away from tables back a few years and like you, I couldn't get things to lay down the way I wanted them at first, but I finally had m lightbulb moment, and so will you. :)))
    Joni Mueller
    Pixelita Designs
    From: [] On Behalf Of Artist []
    Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 1:26 PM
    Subject: Re: [WD&D] Layout Tutotial
    Yes. It is grid based, but theoretically I could also make it responsive with a different set of css instructions for mobile based handhelds.
    A perfect example is at

    Notice how there is a line right through the layout and there is no menu?
    The actual file that I am playing around TRYING to make some sort of layout with is at...

    That one is driving me nuts. It IS supposed to be a CSS tables build layout, but for some reason the jumbled mess comes out, and I cannot make sense of it.
    As I said, I have many such examples. Even the site is one of them. Right now, the single column layout is what you see, but the problem is that I am having the same issue with the double column version.
    So, as these are related to using CSS <div> correctly, and I have NEVER been able to do it right because I can't get a handle on it, I am not looking for a fellow designer to correct my mistakes and leave me in the dark (which is always what happens here). I am looking for a good tutorial on how to use CSS to structure my HTML <div> tags correctly and appropriately that will allow me to walk away with a "that makes sense, I can't believe it was always that simple." kinda feeling.
    CSS layouts have been around a very long time, and even though I have been using them, if I can't figure it out for each and every instance I go to use them, it is starting to make less and less sense in doing so. I'm embarrassed by my own work, my inability to get certain things right, and I JUST WANT TO GET IT.
    Thank you.
    On Wednesday, May 28, 2014 1:18:37 AM UTC-5, COGO wrote:
    I'd need to know more. Are you talking about a grid based layout?
    On May 27, 2014 11:16 PM, "Joni Mueller" wrote:
    Can you give me a sample of what you mean? What kind of layouts are you attempting to create? Do they need to be responsive as well?
    Joni Mueller
    Pixelita Designs<>
    From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Artist
    Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:10 PM
    Subject: [WD&D] Layout Tutotial
    l have had a great deal of difficulty stacking CSS divs. I always have, but eventually I'd figure it out and get it right. Unfortunately, I have about half a dozen website layouts nearly done t to use for myself now, but they all suck because there gaps between the blocks (divs).
    Can anyone point me to a decent CSS layout tutorial that will finally explain how to style divs correctly so that they are finally usable to me... so that I can finally get it and actually get something done?
    You received this because you are subscribed to the "Web Design and Development" group at Google Groups. Messages are prefixed with [WD&D] in the subject. No spam is allowed. Be civil, be professional; try to be helpful & mind your netiquette. All posts are Copyright the original author and the Web Design and Development group. No reproduction of this content is allowed in any electronic or printed form outside the group at Google Groups and the website. Any unauthorized use of our copy constitutes illegal Copyright infringement and may well be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Digital Signature: $©"[W|D|&|D]g"|^|!SiteDesign@GG||#%$
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    Joni Mueller <> May 28 01:45PM -0500  

    Here are some tutorials that discuss the box model so hopefully this will help you sort it out. I know you've been building sites for quite a while so forgive me if these links seem elementary. Some of the material discussed is basic, but who can memorize all the behaviors?

    Joni Mueller
    Pixelita Designs
    From: [] On Behalf Of Artist []
    Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 1:26 PM
    Subject: Re: [WD&D] Layout Tutotial
    Yes. It is grid based, but theoretically I could also make it responsive with a different set of css instructions for mobile based handhelds.
    A perfect example is at

    Notice how there is a line right through the layout and there is no menu?
    The actual file that I am playing around TRYING to make some sort of layout with is at...

    That one is driving me nuts. It IS supposed to be a CSS tables build layout, but for some reason the jumbled mess comes out, and I cannot make sense of it.
    As I said, I have many such examples. Even the site is one of them. Right now, the single column layout is what you see, but the problem is that I am having the same issue with the double column version.
    So, as these are related to using CSS <div> correctly, and I have NEVER been able to do it right because I can't get a handle on it, I am not looking for a fellow designer to correct my mistakes and leave me in the dark (which is always what happens here). I am looking for a good tutorial on how to use CSS to structure my HTML <div> tags correctly and appropriately that will allow me to walk away with a "that makes sense, I can't believe it was always that simple." kinda feeling.
    CSS layouts have been around a very long time, and even though I have been using them, if I can't figure it out for each and every instance I go to use them, it is starting to make less and less sense in doing so. I'm embarrassed by my own work, my inability to get certain things right, and I JUST WANT TO GET IT.
    Thank you.
    On Wednesday, May 28, 2014 1:18:37 AM UTC-5, COGO wrote:
    I'd need to know more. Are you talking about a grid based layout?
    On May 27, 2014 11:16 PM, "Joni Mueller" wrote:
    Can you give me a sample of what you mean? What kind of layouts are you attempting to create? Do they need to be responsive as well?
    Joni Mueller
    Pixelita Designs<>
    From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Artist
    Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:10 PM
    Subject: [WD&D] Layout Tutotial
    l have had a great deal of difficulty stacking CSS divs. I always have, but eventually I'd figure it out and get it right. Unfortunately, I have about half a dozen website layouts nearly done t to use for myself now, but they all suck because there gaps between the blocks (divs).
    Can anyone point me to a decent CSS layout tutorial that will finally explain how to style divs correctly so that they are finally usable to me... so that I can finally get it and actually get something done?
    You received this because you are subscribed to the "Web Design and Development" group at Google Groups. Messages are prefixed with [WD&D] in the subject. No spam is allowed. Be civil, be professional; try to be helpful & mind your netiquette. All posts are Copyright the original author and the Web Design and Development group. No reproduction of this content is allowed in any electronic or printed form outside the group at Google Groups and the website. Any unauthorized use of our copy constitutes illegal Copyright infringement and may well be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Digital Signature: $©"[W|D|&|D]g"|^|!SiteDesign@GG||#%$
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    "Michael J. Fuhrman" <> May 28 12:17PM -0700  

    A long time ago, I build a javascript and css library that created
    windows menus using DIVs and SPANS. It's really old code, but it could
    provide you with a clue to what is missing.
    If you'd like to look at it, contact me through skype. ENetArch
    On 5/28/2014 11:26 AM, Artist wrote:


    Liam Kenneth <> May 28 09:35PM +0100  

    if you remove the table-cell from #ContentArea and the br tag above it. the
    layout then looks pretty good!
    On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 8:17 PM, Michael J. Fuhrman


    Liam Kenneth <> May 28 09:40PM +0100  

    [image: Inline image 1]


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic


[WD&D] Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic


    Artist <> May 27 02:10PM -0700  

    l have had a great deal of difficulty stacking CSS divs. I always have,
    but eventually I'd figure it out and get it right. Unfortunately, I have
    about half a dozen website layouts nearly done t to use for myself now, but
    they all suck because there gaps between the blocks (divs).
    Can anyone point me to a decent layout tutorial that will finally explain
    it so that I can finally get it?


    Joni Mueller <> May 27 04:14PM -0500  

    Can you give me a sample of what you mean? What kind of layouts are you attempting to create? Do they need to be responsive as well?
    Joni Mueller
    Pixelita Designs
    From: [] On Behalf Of Artist []
    Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:10 PM
    Subject: [WD&D] Layout Tutotial
    l have had a great deal of difficulty stacking CSS divs. I always have, but eventually I'd figure it out and get it right. Unfortunately, I have about half a dozen website layouts nearly done t to use for myself now, but they all suck because there gaps between the blocks (divs).
    Can anyone point me to a decent layout tutorial that will finally explain it so that I can finally get it?
    You received this because you are subscribed to the "Web Design and Development" group at Google Groups. Messages are prefixed with [WD&D] in the subject. No spam is allowed. Be civil, be professional; try to be helpful & mind your netiquette. All posts are Copyright the original author and the Web Design and Development group. No reproduction of this content is allowed in any electronic or printed form outside the group at Google Groups and the website. Any unauthorized use of our copy constitutes illegal Copyright infringement and may well be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Digital Signature: $©"[W|D|&|D]g"|^|!SiteDesign@GG||#%$
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Thursday, May 22, 2014

[Inside AdSense] Join us for a conversation on the future of digital advertising

Digital is no longer just another marketing channel. It's a medium that's changing the art of storytelling and reinventing the way companies connect with consumers.

How will digital advertising evolve next? You're invited to tune in live as industry leaders tackle the question at DoubleClick's annual event on digital trends.

Speakers include:

  • Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO of DreamWorks Animation 
  • Nikesh Arora, Chief Business Officer at Google
  • Neal Mohan, VP of Display Advertising at Google 

Wednesday, June 4 

9:30 am PDT - 10:45 am PDT / 12:30 pm EDT - 1:45 pm EDT

Time not convenient? When you register you'll receive a link to watch the recording on demand.

We hope you can join! 

Here's footage from last year's event to give you a taste of the 2014 live stream:

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Digest for - 5 updates in 1 topic


    Andreas Osswald <> May 20 09:21AM -0700  

    I also had the same '(403) User does not have an AdSense account.' problem
    with service account authentication today. Are you planning to support this
    functionality one day? The web-based authentication works fine, but
    unfortunately it is no option in our use case.
    Best regards,


    "Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team)" <> May 20 09:27AM -0700  

    Hi Andreas,
    There is no need for Service Accounts. If you can't use "Web application",
    you can probably use "Installed application" (see the getting started guide<>).
    What's your specific use case?
    Jose Alcérreca
    Developer Relations
    Google UK Limited
    Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
    Registered in England Number: 3977902
    On Tuesday, 20 May 2014 17:21:11 UTC+1, Andreas Osswald wrote:

  May 20 09:51AM -0700  

    Dear Jose,
    Thank you for your quick answer! I have just seen that there are "refresh
    tokens" which never expire and can create more "access tokens" so that
    there's only one manual login necessary. Nevertheless, I'm not sure if this
    works without a web-browser. In the use case I want to run a PHP script
    regularly through the crontab.
    I haven't found a way yet to access the "refresh token" through the PHP
    library from - but maybe I
    need to investigate it a bit further. :)
    Best regards,


    "Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team)" <> May 20 10:16AM -0700  

    Hey Andreas,
    You might be looking for the access_type. Set it to offline so that you get
    a refresh_token.
    Check out the generic OAuth
    Jose Alcérreca
    Developer Relations
    Google UK Limited
    Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
    Registered in England Number: 3977902

  May 20 10:23AM -0700  

    Hey Jose,
    Looks like as if it works! Thanks a lot!
    Best regards,


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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

[Inside AdSense] Our first online course for AdSense publishers is now open

Optimizing AdSense is now in session. Start the course today to access all of the new videos, activities and assessments. The course forum is now open so you can start discussing optimization ideas with other publishers taking the course and find out how to best apply what you learn. Take a quick peek at the course now and then start the course.

Posted by Courtney Richardson - Optimizing AdSense Team
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Monday, May 19, 2014


Your first 3 minutes are FREE talking live with me.

Please visit my website at:

Or, call me right now at: 1-800-275-5336 x0160

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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Digest for - 2 updates in 2 topics


    Daniel Peregoy <> May 16 11:02AM -0700  


    I have recently changed website hosts based on a promise of excellent SEO.
    I was told what I needed to do to increase the SEO, and that it would take
    6 to 8 weeks for these things to take hold. To date I am not too happy with
    the new company.

    I was previously with a large website hosting company, for 10 to 12 years.
    I did have hits on my site on a daily basis simply from SEO that was done
    in the past. My page was outdated; I decided to change companies instead of
    updating my page with the old company.

    My question-if I switch back to the old company (I am still a customer,
    never cancelled my account but did transfer the domain to the new company's
    server) with the same domain name will I need to start over with the
    SEO? Or, will the previous SEO still be in effect as if nothing ever



    John Mathew <> May 16 03:07AM -0700  

    If Article Submission status is Waiting, so Is Give us Better result or not


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Friday, May 16, 2014

[Inside AdSense] Do more with simplified A/B experiments

A/B testing is one of the most effective ways of ensuring your ad units are performing to their full potential. Last year we launched AdSense experiments to make A/B testing easy for your ad units. From today, you'll be able to optimize your entire account with AdSense experiments, now available for account-level settings.

AdSense experiments let you quickly launch and analyze A/B experiments without you having to make any changes to your ad or page code. Using this feature allows you to configure your ad settings to give you the best possible performance. With account-level A/B testing, you can now also compare the performance of your account-level settings such as general or sensitive category blocking or ad-serving blocks.

If you haven't already tried AdSense experiments to run A/B tests on your site, give it a try to make sure you're getting the most out of your account and your ad units. You'll find more information over on our Help Center. We're looking forward to hearing your feedback - tell us what you think over on our AdSense+ page.

Posted by Nick Radicevic - AdSense Product Manager
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Thursday, May 15, 2014

[Inside AdSense] Unlock new opportunities with magazine ads

Today we're happy to launch a new display-only format that we call magazine ads. To optimize revenue, we normally recommend that you enable both text and display for your ad units, however we recognize that the type of ads you feature on your site is also influenced by your own style preferences. To that end, we've created a new format allowing text advertisers to increase competition on your display-only ad units while maintaining a design aesthetic suitable for display.

If a text advertiser is the winning bidder for your ad unit, their ad will appear in the magazine ad format. This format has been designed with print magazine ads in mind, putting a big emphasis on space and typography and displaying a new look distinctive from our regular text ads. Take a look at the examples below to see how magazine ads will look in your display ad units.

If you currently have display-only enabled ads on your site, magazine ads will automatically be set up for these ad units. If you'd prefer not to show magazine ads, you can disable them through the Enhanced display option in the My ads tab in your account. 

For now, when magazine ads are enabled for your display ad units, the Ad Review Center will still show you the original text ad provided by the advertiser and not the the newly-styled magazine ad. Check out our Help Center for more information. We'd love to hear if you're using magazine ads already -- share your experience and feedback over on the AdSense +page

Posted by Yuheng Kuang - AdSense Software Engineer
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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

[Inside AdSense] Learn how to earn money from your website with Optimizing AdSense

Publishers often tell us that they want to learn how to use AdSense but aren't sure where to start or which resources are right for them. We're changing that. Join us on May 20th in Optimizing AdSense, our first online course for AdSense publishers. The course puts all of our top optimization resources in one place, helping you understand what drives your revenue and how to make changes right in your account to make the most of your setup. 

Each lesson in the course will focus on a specific AdSense topic that can help. By completing Optimizing AdSense, you'll learn:
  • what drives AdSense revenue
  • strategies for boosting your RPM
  • how to improve your clickthrough rate, ad targeting, and coverage
Watch the lesson videos, follow the step-by-step walkthroughs, and complete the activities to practice what you learn. Also, take advantage of the course forum to connect with other publishers like you to see how they have used the course to earn money for their website. Publishers who complete the final assessment with an 80% or higher can also earn a certificate from the Google AdSense team.

Take the pre-assessment today to find out what to focus on when the course opens on May 20th. 

Posted by Courtney Richardson - Optimizing AdSense Team
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Monday, May 12, 2014

[Inside AdSense] Hangout on Air: Perfecting Your Mobile Site Experience

Mobile empowers users to connect with your content at any time and from anywhere. To truly meet the needs of your audience at any moment, you should strive to provide a best-in-class mobile site experience. 

But what makes a mobile site great? Watch our panel of experts as they discuss this question and delve into our newest research on mobile site design in this Hangout on Air.

Mobile Site Design Panel
  • Moderator: John Sullivan, Director of Search Strategy, Google
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Digest for - 3 updates in 2 topics


    Claus <> May 06 08:00AM -0700  

    Hello Sergio,
    have you received my email? Because I didn't get anything back from you
    since I sent the email, maybe it ended up in your spam folder? If you don't
    have it, I can resend it.
    Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience,
    On Friday, May 2, 2014 5:23:42 PM UTC+2, Sérgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)


    "Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API Team)" <> May 06 02:39AM -0700  

    Hi Filippo,
    Don't worry, your request is being processed.
    Jose Alcérreca
    Developer Relations
    Google UK Limited
    Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
    Registered in England Number: 3977902
    On Monday, 5 May 2014 09:18:53 UTC+1, Filippo Silvestro wrote:


    Filippo Silvestro <> May 06 02:56AM -0700  

    Thank you Jose, I wait for your feedback!
    Il giorno martedì 6 maggio 2014 11:39:32 UTC+2, Jose Alcérreca (AdSense API
    Team) ha scritto:


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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic


    Filippo Silvestro <> May 05 01:18AM -0700  

    Hi there,
    I'm trying to contact the api team via email for another problem related to
    the hosted accounts and our host account configuration, but I haven't
    received any reply. Do you still use this channel for support request?


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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Digest for - 6 updates in 1 topic


    Claus <> Apr 29 05:10AM -0700  

    Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try to add some sleep function, even though
    I'm not convinced that it will help, since I never send more than 2-3
    requests at once and the limit is set to 10 requests per second.
    However the backoff is out of the question, when I start getting the error,
    it doesn't stop until the next midnight, no matter how long I wait between
    API requests.
    On Tuesday, April 29, 2014 1:28:27 PM UTC+2, galeksic wrote:


    Claus <> Apr 30 06:12AM -0700  

    One more note, I'm only facing this problem in the last few weeks, maybe a
    month. I was using the same code in the same way for several months without
    any problem, this error only started to appear recently.


    Claus <> Apr 30 05:53AM -0700  

    Hello Sergio,
    yes, that's how it looks, however I have raised the limit of
    requests/second/user to 10 which is the maximum and recently, as galeksic
    suggested, I have also added a 2 second sleep time between each API request
    and it still didn't help. And also, I'm never sending more than 3 requests
    at once, so the requests/second/user should be more enough. At this point,
    I am also the only one who uses the application which makes use of the API,
    so there's only me requesting 2-3 API requests through the web application
    once per hour and still it sometimes ends up with the rate limit exceeded
    By the way, is there any way how to avoid the need of every message that I
    post to be manually reviewed by the moderator before it's posted? It takes
    a day or two before my messages appear here in the group.
    On Wednesday, April 30, 2014 2:31:03 PM UTC+2, Sérgio Gomes (AdSense API
    Team) wrote:


    "Sérgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)" <> May 02 03:41AM -0700  

    Hey Claus,
    Are you by any chance running very large reports? That could be another
    source of "rate limit exceeded" errors, and would explain why you'd
    suddenly start getting the issues (for example, if your account has grown).
    Sérgio Gomes
    Developer Relations
    Google UK Limited
    Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
    Registered in England Number: 3977902
    On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 14:12:34 UTC+1, Claus wrote:


    Claus <> May 02 07:45AM -0700  

    I see... Well, it depends on what "very large" is, but I'm mainly getting
    current day report for page views, clicks, CTR, CPC and earnings. It's true
    that all stats are going up very fast in the last 1-2 months as we are
    getting more traffic and page views so you might be right here. On the
    other hand, it's not that big, I don't want to break Adsense rules so I
    won't disclose any number just in case, but I think any popular blog or
    some similar site can reach the number of page views that we have, so it's
    not anything extreme.
    Anyway, does it mean that if the report is large, I have no way how to get
    it through the API without triggering the rate limit? I.e. the the rate
    limit is triggered when I'm trying to get a report for more than some
    specific number of page views?
    Also I would say that the only report that triggers this error is report
    for today. I never had problems with report for the whole last month for
    example. As I am thinking about it, this is something that I might try to
    test next, I haven't tried if other reports besides today's report work
    when the today's report returns rate limit error.
    On Friday, May 2, 2014 12:41:48 PM UTC+2, Sérgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)


    "Sérgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)" <> May 02 08:23AM -0700  

    Replied privately to follow up on what's happening in this specific case.
    Sérgio Gomes
    Developer Relations
    Google UK Limited
    Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
    Registered in England Number: 3977902
    On Friday, 2 May 2014 15:45:39 UTC+1, Claus wrote:


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Thursday, May 1, 2014

[Inside AdSense] A new look for text ads on the Google Display Network

Users are consuming more and more web content across screens. Given this shift, we're updating the design of our text ads to strengthen their performance and make them more consistent and easy to read across devices.

Our new text ads have been designed with better readability in mind, regardless of what device they're being viewed from. We've introduced a new default color palette of blue and grey, making the ads easier to read for the user. We've also updated our default font to Roboto, designed for easier readability on mobile devices as well as desktop. With this change, we've aligned our text ad font with the web font we use on our Android OS.

160x600 (shown with multiple ads)

We've also made improvements to the ad call-to-action button by making the tap target size and position more user-friendly across devices.



Look out for our new text ads and tell us what you think of this redesign over on our AdSense+ page.

Posted by Clyde Li - AdSense Software Engineer
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Digest for - 3 updates in 2 topics


    galeksic <> Apr 30 02:20AM -0700  

    I believe you would prefer the official response, but I'd like to join with
    few comments and I hope you don't mind! :)
    Yes, I too see reports are *sometimes slightly* different, but not very
    much and when I refresh (several times in few minutes) home page, I can see the very same, so I am
    considering today reports as what they are - estimations, and real-time
    It's not so notable when the traffic is very low. Also, I don't have *any*idea how AdSense works, but (to be honest) I wouldn't be very surprised if
    real-time, estimated values depend on which node was queried.
    If your reports show much lower and consistent values than the AdSense home
    page, then I'd suggest you to check your code and see if there is any
    caching on your side. (Cache is good - don't remove it, just decrease
    refresh time to some safe value.)
    And I don't think it could be the problem, but it wont hurt if you can see
    & check in your logs what are you sending as startDate and endDate.


    "Sérgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)" <> Apr 30 05:38AM -0700  

    Hi Sorry, Gorran,
    Any data you might get for "today" is not finalized and subject to changes,
    so you shouldn't be relying on it for any sort of meaningful analysis.
    That said, if you still choose to use it, you should note that there are
    several levels of caching, so if you're working in small timeframes (say,
    under an hour), you may get cached results rather than live ones. Gorran's
    suggestion should help with client-side caching, but there will most likely
    still be caching at the API service level.
    Sérgio Gomes
    Developer Relations
    Google UK Limited
    Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
    Registered in England Number: 3977902
    On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 10:20:16 UTC+1, galeksic wrote:


    "Sérgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)" <> Apr 30 05:31AM -0700  

    Hi Claus,
    You're likely running into the requests/second/user limit.
    There are two ways you can tackle this:
    - The recommended way is to batch as many of your calls as possible<>,
    to reduce the number of (nearly) simultaneous requests against the service.
    - Otherwise, you can adjust the limit of requests/second/user that you
    allow on your project. Go to<your
    project id>:quotas and set it there. You can also find this in the
    Google Developers Console, under APIs & Auth -> APIs -> Quota
    Hope this helps!
    Sérgio Gomes
    Developer Relations
    Google UK Limited
    Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
    Registered in England Number: 3977902
    On Tuesday, 29 April 2014 12:28:27 UTC+1, galeksic wrote:


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