Viharchandra Maheshkumar Popat <>: Oct 14 02:59PM -0700
can you please help me with the below-mentioned code? it throws a type error and I am not sure how to resolve it. I assume I am passing the wrong start date and wrong date please help me with the right format to pass it result = self.client.accounts().reports().generate( account=f'accounts/{account id}', startDate={"year": 2021, "month": 10, "day": 12}, endDate={"year": 2021, "month": 10, "day": 13}, metrics=report_job['METRIC'], currencyCode='USD', dimensions=report_job['DIMENSION'], orderBy=['+DATE'], ).execute() |
Ad Sense API <>: Oct 15 02:16AM
Hi, It looks like you're using our Python client library, so the code should look like the code below. You can see the full example here. result = service.accounts().reports().generate( account=account_id, dateRange='CUSTOM', startDate_year=2021, startDate_month=3, startDate_day=1, endDate_year=2021, endDate_month=3, endDate_day=31, metrics=['PAGE_VIEWS', 'AD_REQUESTS', 'AD_REQUESTS_COVERAGE', 'CLICKS', 'AD_REQUESTS_CTR', 'COST_PER_CLICK', 'AD_REQUESTS_RPM', 'ESTIMATED_EARNINGS'], dimensions=['MONTH', 'PLATFORM_TYPE_NAME'], orderBy=['+MONTH']).execute() Let me know if you have any other questions. Donovan McMurray AdSense API Team ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2PJneZ:ref |