- CSS in IE and FF [1 Update]
- javascript XML and API [1 Update]
- Traffic and Rank [3 Updates]
- Quick rank [3 Updates]
- Website page width [7 Updates]
- Traffic Report [1 Update]
- Increase Visitors [1 Update]
Topic: CSS in IE and FF
- "Vasyl Baryshev" <> Jul 27 11:27PM -0400 ^
Guys, if you could look at and tell
me why it looksd different in FF 5.0? It's a prototype I am trying to
complete. Thanks!
Life is a journey and I follow my path.
Topic: javascript XML and API
- Justin W Hall <> Jul 27 06:30PM -0400 ^
I haven't worked a whole lot with APIs and I'd really like to wrap my
head around this particular aspect of an ongoing project I have.
I currently have sign up form implemented on a PHP driven site
(wordpress as CMS). Among the fields, there is a "keyword" field. My
client uses keywords for mobile marketing and uses a 3rd party vendor
to manage available keywords, analytics and a bunch of other stuff
that isn't pertinent to my question. I have an API from them and
proper documentation:
· API Key (Provided by 3rd party vendor)
· keyword (mobile phone number)
Optional Parameters
· shortcode (Valid shortcode for client only)
· startdate (Valid date/time in the fomat:" YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
or "YYYY-MM-DD")
· enddate (Valid date/time in the fomat:" YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
or "YYYY-MM-DD")
If a shortcode is not provided, a default shortcode is selected.
Start and end date must include leading 0's if needed. The time is
automatically converted from client time-zone setting to server time.
If no start/end date is provided, then the system will automatically
choose the current date as the start date and current date + 5 years
as the end date.
Example Request:
Example Results:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message>Keyword Available</message>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message>Invalid shortcode</message>
Ideally, I'd use the form that is already in place, use javascript to
capture that field data, request the XML data, parse and ultimately
verify weather or not the keyword is available before the form is
actually submitted.
So my questions...
1) Am I on the right track.
2) Can someone point me in the direction of a tutorial or two that
would help me better understand this process.
Topic: Traffic and Rank
- tanmayee <> Jul 27 12:17AM -0700 ^
Hello Friends,
I am working for a site
Its keywords are not in good rank. I need keywords rank in google 1st
page within 1 month. I also need good number of traffic for this site.
I am continuing on daily basis the following steps.
Blog commenting
Article posting
Blog posting
After doing all these thing i am not getting any changes. Is there
any problem with the site?
Please share your ideas.
- Artist <> Jul 27 02:11PM -0500 ^
I don't get it, you don't know how to research keywords?
Doug Peters
(605) 610-9001 (Google phone) or 1-800-279-2156
http://www.Domainers.Name http://www.PremiumBrand.Name
- Joe Vasu de Van <> Jul 27 09:07PM +0100 ^
I don't get it, you don't know how to research keywords?
Doug Peters
(605) 610-9001 (Google phone) or 1-800-279-2156
http://www.Domainers.Name http://www.PremiumBrand.Name
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Topic: Quick rank
- tanmayee <> Jul 27 12:34AM -0700 ^
Hello Friends,
I am working for this site from last 3 months. I am not getting good
rank of it's keywords.
I want to bring its keywords to top of google page.
What things should i do to increase rank of keywords except
bookmarking and directory?
Please suggest me some ideas.
- Liam Kenneth <> Jul 27 08:51AM +0100 ^
building back links with the keyword in the anchor. putting keywords in
title, h1 tags and the description.
blog on your site with keywords in the text.
- Artist <> Jul 27 02:09PM -0500 ^
Used to be that you could be ranked quite well very easily in 3 months. Now
it takes a lot of effort for a very long time.
Create backlinks. Get listed in all the directories you can. Featured
links are actually quite good if they are permanent and reasonable. Shout
out about what you are doing on Twitter. Make sure you are listed at DMOZ,
Google, Bing, Delicious and StumbleUpon. Blog about your site, your
service, each of your products, and company news. Make sure each post is
listed in all the blog directories and blogging news sites after you make
the post.
Spin great PR about anything and everything, then release it as a PR
statement to the press (many PR sites are free online and the PR is often
treated like news).
Even better... RIGHTEOUS:
Give to charities that will put in a good word for you ("KOIL radio is
grateful to for contributing $100.00 to Sanford
Children's Hospital during our donation drive. Check ouyt their website").
Doug Peters
(605) 610-9001 (Google phone) or 1-800-279-2156
http://www.Domainers.Name http://www.PremiumBrand.Name http://www.Worthful.Info
Topic: Website page width
- gowtham subjoin <> Jul 27 03:34PM +0530 ^
hi friends...
In real world every one using different size of scrren (14'inch ,15.6' inch
and many more).. my question is about, How to make the webpage which
automatically resizes the width depending on the screen size....
kindly help me here
- Liam Kenneth <> Jul 27 11:11AM +0100 ^
body {
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 11:04 AM, gowtham subjoin <
- gowtham subjoin <> Jul 27 03:45PM +0530 ^
k.. is it compatible with all the browser.....
- Liam Kenneth <> Jul 27 11:24AM +0100 ^
yeah its standard css.
and any div you use make the width 100% aswell
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 11:15 AM, gowtham subjoin <
- Michael Kolaski <> Jul 27 11:51AM +0100 ^
Something else you might want to look at are CSS media queries - have a
read of the article and links at
Pinnacle Web Design
Tel: +44 (0)208 144 0081 | Skype: PinnacleWebDesign |
On 27/07/2011 11:24, Liam Kenneth wrote:
- Sammy Noorani <> Jul 27 10:01AM -0400 ^
Look into *Responsive Techniques*.
It uses a 1140 Grid system. It extends the website based on view port. (So
whether you use a 20" PC, i phone or an I-pad, the Aesthetics and
artchiect will stay friendly to any device as long as its coded properly in
Media Quires.
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 6:04 AM, gowtham subjoin
- Liam Kenneth <> Jul 27 03:08PM +0100 ^
are grids worth it? I never use them. I have never read them up but they
look more complicated than they are worth. my site is made
without using a grid and it looks fine.
Topic: Traffic Report
- tanmayee <> Jul 27 12:22AM -0700 ^
Hello Friends,
I am doing all off-page optimization work for these two sites.
I am not getting good number of visits for these sites. Is there
any problem with these sites?
Please help me finding what is the problem with these sites.
How can i get good Traffic for these two sites?
Topic: Increase Visitors
- tanmayee <> Jul 27 12:08AM -0700 ^
Hello friends,
I am working as a SEO professional. 2 of my projects have very
low number of visitors so that i am not getting good traffic result in
every week.
I think keywords of are not good so
that no one is visiting this site. But i want to know the exact reason
of getting low traffic for these 2 sites.
Please suggest me some ideas.
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