Thursday, September 26, 2013

Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic


    Wilton <> Sep 25 10:08AM -0700  

    Hi All,
    I am writing because I a stumped - I don't understand why our site - - is not doing better for the "real estate crowdfunding"
    search keyword. We've done a lot of work to optimize the site for this
    search term, but when you actually search, our site is nowhere to be found.
    Can anybody take a quick look and offer an opinion?


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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic


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[WD&D] Digest for - 4 Messages in 2 Topics


    Joni Mueller <> Sep 24 11:08AM -0500  

    17-inch MacBook Pro (circa 2010), paired with a 27-inch Apple Cinema monitor and a Time Capsule base station/2TB backup drive;
    17-inch Sony Vaio EH11FX laptop, paired with a 27-inch HP monitor and 1TB Lacie backup drive;
    Networked HP Laserjet 4N
    The Time Capsule backs up ALL my computers, both Mac and PC and getting the PCs on it was no easy task. Windows 7's native backup program strangely only recognizes OPTICAL drives. I had to find an external backup program, but each machine has its own folder/directory and is backed up on a staggered schedule each week. Client work is also backed up on whatever external backup device is connected to the machine.
    17-incy Sony Vaio EF44FX laptop; 2TB Fantom external drive;
    iPad (first generation)
    iPad 2
    Machines in retirement are my Asus HA9000 netbook that was a gift from my business partner; and my Sony Vaio FS780W that was a gift from my late husband. I also have his laptop (HP DV9999 17 inch) in the kitchen and use it to look up recipes and such. (There is literally one device or another that goes online somewhere in every room in the house! :D
    Joni Mueller
    Follow me on Twitter: @pixelitadesigns
    From: [] On Behalf Of Artist []
    Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 1:37 PM
    Subject: [WD&D] Re: Good Morning!
    What do you all run?
    I have...
    Sony Vaio 2.x GHz duo Core Processor Full HD 1080P laptop (they call it a notebook, but it is too big, 19", for that).
    Samsung Galaxy Note II (quad processor 5.5" mini-tablet phone).
    I am setting up a couple other PCs as servers. One for the home (dual core 3 GHz) files and sharing, and another single core 2 GHz to play with Linux, eventually.
    I also have 2 tablets and they have all crapped-out on Me and are unusable. I also returned another one, forget the brand of that one...
    ASUS TF101 Transformer w/ kb
    Poloroid 7" Internet Tablet
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    Binaek Sarkar <> Sep 24 10:42AM +0530  

    Again posting an untested code, but could you add *[L,R=301]* after RewriteRule
    This is basically telling Apache as to how to get on with the Rewrite...
    That is with a 301 status code.
    Binaek Sarkar


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Monday, September 23, 2013

[WD&D] Digest for - 15 Messages in 3 Topics


    Artist <> Sep 23 11:25AM -0700  

    OK, here's My problem:
    I have an email contact web form on My site at *HD Web Hosting*. I have
    secured it with an SSL Certificate (the techs set that and My required
    dedicated IP address) up for Me and I have set all the site links to use
    the https:// address for the secure form so that all traffic arriving at
    the site should be directed to the secure form.
    Today is the deadline for securing email for health care industry
    professionals, by the way.
    And the form is secured, UNLESS someone types the http:// address in
    directly, deliberately deletes the s in https and hits return, or arrives
    from an off-site link that uses the old http address.
    So, I was thinking that I should redirect traffic sent to the http://
    address to the https:// address and attempted to do so through the
    .htaccess file (Apache server). However, .htaccess does not actually
    support this.
    So I am wondering how I can cover this using another redirect method?
    -Thanks in advance for your help!... Doug


    "Michael J. Fuhrman" <> Sep 23 11:39AM -0700  

    You can use JavaScript, or you can use the HTML header block to
    redirect, or you could write a PHP script that simply redirects the web
    browser to the correct page.
    Suggestion #1 - use javascript to redirect users
    windown.location = ""
    Suggestion #2 - use HTML header block to redirect users
    <!-- Send users to the new location. -->
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh"
    This page has moved. You will be
    automatically redirected
    to its new location in 10 seconds.
    If you aren't forwarded
    to the new page,
    <a href="">
    click here</a>.
    Suggestion #3 - use PHP header function to redirect users
    header ("");
    On 9/23/2013 11:25 AM, Artist wrote:


    "Michael J. Fuhrman" <> Sep 23 12:12PM -0700  

    So let me understand this correctly. The Web Server is pointing ... and
    to the same drive path
    well then, I would suggest this ...
    Using PHP, determine if the calling URL is http or https. If it's http,
    then use the PHP header function to redirect the web browser to https.
    So your PHP page, "footmassage.php" would look like this:
    if(! isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) ) header
    On 9/23/2013 11:59 AM, Artist wrote:


    Binaek Sarkar <> Sep 24 02:01AM +0530  

    A quick Google search shows that you can do it in htaccess.
    Try this link:
    I haven't tried it myself, but from the looks of it, it should work.
    @Michael: I think Doug wants to apply the same redirection to all resources
    under that domain. If that is so, a JavaScript or even a PHP solution of
    redirection becomes redundant. You would have to repeat the code
    everywhere. Even if you make it into a separate file, that would still
    imply that you have to include it everywhere.
    Binaek Sarkar


    "Michael J. Fuhrman" <> Sep 23 02:07PM -0700  

    Ah, that would make sense, vs just doing it for one file. Though,
    personally, I would not have a http or https point to the same directory
    structure. Especially, if there is a need to insure that the
    information is encrypted when transmitted.
    On 9/23/2013 1:31 PM, Binaek Sarkar wrote:


    Joe Kelly <> Sep 23 05:38PM -0700  

    You need Redirect not Rewrite they work differently..
    Not sure if this was posted assuming you are using mod_rewrite.
    The reason your previous example was a loop was because there was no
    condition for the redirect.
    Redirect 301 /contact.shtml
    They have an example on the page I linked along the lines of:
    <If "%{SERVER_PROTOCOL} != 'HTTPS'">
    Redirect /admin/</If>
    Sorry if this isn't super helpful. In a rush to leave work.


    Artist <> Sep 23 08:17PM -0500  

    <If "%{SERVER_PROTOCOL} != 'HTTPS'">
    Redirect /contact.shtml
    ...that produced a 500 error on every page I loaded on the site. This is
    in the .htaccess file?
    Jeepers, now I am lost. I didn't think .htaccess supports <IF> statements.
    Must be some other config file.
    Doug Peters


    Ben Hussenet <> Sep 24 04:46AM +0100  

    alternativly put the contact form in its own directory. put a htaccess in
    that directory and use this
    Place the following code in a .htacces file in your folder:
    RewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !443RewriteRule (.*) [R]
    Many Thanks
    Ben Hussenet


    Artist <> Sep 23 11:37AM -0700  

    > What do you all run?
    I have...
    Sony Vaio 2.x GHz duo Core Processor Full HD 1080P laptop (they call it a
    notebook, but it is too big, 19", for that).
    Samsung Galaxy Note II (quad processor 5.5" mini-tablet phone).
    I am setting up a couple other PCs as servers. One for the home (dual core
    3 GHz) files and sharing, and another single core 2 GHz to play with Linux,
    I also have 2 tablets and they have all crapped-out on Me and are unusable.
    I also returned another one, forget the brand of that one...
    ASUS TF101 Transformer w/ kb
    Poloroid 7" Internet Tablet


    Artist <> Sep 23 11:23AM -0700  

    Today is the deadline, by the way.
    On Friday, August 9, 2013 11:56:15 PM UTC-5, Artist wrote:


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Digest for - 11 Messages in 6 Topics


    John Mackmohan <> Sep 20 07:08AM -0700  

    Hi Mick,
    Basically you can use one tool which most of SEO using for finding the
    content duplication issues. ex -
    if you have content copy issue with your own five site so you can use
    canonical tag in your coding to saw your relation between urls.
    On Thursday, September 12, 2013 7:05:49 AM UTC+5:30, MickD wrote:


    Google Expert Michael Wilson <> Sep 23 09:59AM -0400  

    Show is a list of sites.
    Do not worry no one gets in trouble for showing there website. Actually it helps.
    That way we can properly look things over
    Sent from my iPhone


    Colin King <> Sep 23 09:20AM -0700  

    > Hi Michael,
    We have just been through similar thought processes with our site at where we have the same products sold in both the USA and
    the UK. We originally had two different sites but for SEO reasons we
    wanted to bring everything together in one site. After a good deal of
    thought and debate Here is what we eventually concluded...

    Wherever possible we have made the UK page content as different as possible
    to its "twin" page in the US. We have ensured that the titles and meta
    descriptions are different in each case. We had about 25 "major" pages in
    each country each consisting of about 1,000 words so it was not an easy
    process but one we thought we must undertake. As far as possible we
    ensured that the content was aimed specifically at the target country and
    gave credence to all the differences we knew about the requirements and the
    buying habits of that country.

    Where it was not possible to write different content we used canonicals to
    make sure that only one of the pages was indexed - in our case we wanted
    the American site indexed because that is the most important to us. Please
    note that as far as I am aware it is NOT possible to use canonicals across
    different sites - they can only be employed within the same domain.

    Where we have very little content on a page (which doesn't happen very
    often with our particular site) we again used canonicals but I don't think
    this is critical because "light content" pages are not likely to accrue
    much PageRank in any case. I'm on shaky ground here because it seldom
    happens that we have light content pages but perhaps someone else in the
    forum can shed some light on this.

    Hope that helps,




    Google Expert Michael Wilson <> Sep 23 04:48PM -0400  

    It's difficult to follow exactly what your trying to say, but let me tell you about my little buddy GoogleBot.... Having a site with American section and a British section is very well fine. GoogleBot can see its different but very similar in was and a lot if information is the same and that's ok ..... But you must not have 2 sites running both American and British
    As long as you do all you can guys and gals to follow googles guidelines and real efforts for the visitors experience in the site... GoogleBot won't send a message to Penalize your site if it sees your doing your best but making unaware mistakes... It will penalize you if you try to pull a fast one on my little buddy.
    Let's talk about it some more later.
    Michael Wilson
    Content is King
    Sent from a Google Hub


    Google Expert Michael Wilson <> Sep 23 05:05PM -0400  

    In cases like that and 5 sites is not the answer..... Put info like employee info in a photo.. White background
    And yes if you feel you need 5 sites then 5 sets of writing.
    Sent from a Google Hub


    Rahul Trivedi <> Sep 19 03:37PM +0530  

    Yes, you may be panelized.. I can understand after seeing your site only.
    Can you send me the detail?


    mj kamrul <> Sep 20 07:33AM -0700  

    Hi, I'm using Colibri seo tool for my keyword research and it's great. I
    couldn't think how easy it can be to use and also affordable. I'll suggest
    to use this tool once and hope it won't let you down. This tool is availble
    on Thanks
    On Thursday, February 15, 2007 5:56:47 AM UTC+6, SEOExpert wrote:


    Rahul Trivedi <> Sep 19 03:38PM +0530  

    can you send me your website detail? Afterwords i can suggest you something


    Nishitha KM <> Sep 20 02:58AM -0700  

    Thanks a lot for both question and answer,i learnt something..
    what are the latest tools in seo ??


    RAHUL BISHT <> Sep 22 01:45AM -0700  

    On Saturday, June 23, 2007 7:15:31 PM UTC+5:30, SEOExpert wrote:


    Nishitha KM <> Sep 23 04:22AM -0700  

    how to increase the page rank of the keywords quickly...
    Thank you..


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Friday, September 20, 2013

Digest for - 4 Messages in 4 Topics


    Sagara Paranagama <> Sep 16 08:29PM -0700  

    Hi all,
    I am developing a Single Page Application and I want to optimize it for
    search. Since it is Single Page, I only have one title tag and one meta
    description tag in my index.html. However, the site contains many sections
    such as Careers etc. which are loaded dynamically using ajax calls. I am
    using #! urls so that the crawler would be presented with a static html
    snapshot containing only the relevant html data for that particular
    section. I thought of adding <title> and <meta description> tags to those
    static snapshots as well so that the crawler knows what it's indexing.
    Since the static html snapshot differs from the actual html data that a
    user receives, will Google penalize my site's rankings?
    -Sagara Paranagama


    Nishitha KM <> Sep 17 12:37AM -0700  

    what are the recent updates of SEO?


    Balaji Natarajan <> Sep 17 05:34AM -0700  

    Hi Inderjeet Singh, Reg Charie and Colin King,
    I think 100 pr0 backlink is not good. It should come to quality high PR
    and low PR back links. It is very helpful to get good traffic and keyword
    ranking. And Content also Unique and more important in Website and land
    Balaji Natarajan
    On Monday, August 12, 2013 5:01:55 PM UTC+5:30, Inderjeet Singh wrote:


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Thursday, September 19, 2013

[Inside AdSense] Redesigned Text Ads on the Google Display Network

Web design is evolving at a rapid pace. With that in mind, today we're beginning to give our text ads a modern look designed to enhance their performance and the overall user experience.

Our new design puts a strong emphasis on readability. We've introduced larger and clearer titles, more generous white space, and a flat circular button design, which complements the colors of other elements in the ad.
We've also updated how we show multiple ads within a single ad unit. Our design, illustrated below, only expands a full view of other ads when a user interacts with an ad unit either by a mouse hover or touch.
Keep an eye out for the redesign and don't forget to try our recently launched new fonts. Let us know what you think of this new look over on our AdSense + page.

Posted by Adnan Virk - Ad Formats Designer
Was this blog post useful? Share your feedback with us.

Posted By Inside AdSense Team to Inside AdSense at 9/19/2013 08:15:00 AM

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Digest for - 2 Messages in 2 Topics


    "SĂ©rgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)" <> Sep 18 10:30AM -0700  

    Hi Divjak,
    I'll respond to you privately, so that I may get a few more details on the
    issue without sharing them on the forum.
    SĂ©rgio Gomes
    Developer Relations
    Google UK Limited
    Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
    Registered in England Number: 3977902
    On Monday, 16 September 2013 10:55:07 UTC+1, Divjak V. wrote:


    "SĂ©rgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)" <> Sep 18 10:27AM -0700  

    Hi there,
    Apologies for the late reply.
    I'm afraid the AdSense Management API only allows for retrieving inventory
    data (ad units, channels, etc.), alerts and running reports, so you won't
    be able to use it for any sort of real-time tracking.
    SĂ©rgio Gomes
    Developer Relations
    Google UK Limited
    Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
    Registered in England Number: 3977902
    On Wednesday, 11 September 2013 12:51:16 UTC+1, Jumperone wrote:


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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Digest for - 4 Messages in 4 Topics


    Michele OOR <> Sep 16 01:41AM -0700  

    knows someone explain to me why in the graph "Indexing status" of
    GoogleWebmasterTool, the line of "Total Indexed" decreases so scary.
    I had no messages or other indications of penality by Google
    The pages of the site are always the same if not increased over time (in
    fact the pages "scanned so far" present in the same graph continue to rise)
    How can I involve to avoid further deceleration and I hope never happens,
    arrivals to zero?
    Help, thank you!


    Nishitha KM <> Sep 16 04:16AM -0700  

    hi Mr Michael Wilson,
    Its very useful blog i found,thanks a lot for sharing..


    Sagara Paranagama <> Sep 16 05:14AM -0700  

    Hi all,
    I am developing a Single Page Application and I want to optimize it for
    search. Since it is Single Page, I only have one <title> tag and one <meta
    description> tag in my index.html. However, the site contains many sections
    such as Careers etc. which are loaded dynamically using ajax calls. I am
    using #! urls so that the crawler would be presented with a static html
    snapshot containing only the relevant html data for that particular
    section. I thought of adding <title> and <meta description> tags to those
    static snapshots as well so that the crawler knows what it's indexing.
    Since the static html snapshot differs from the actual html data that a
    user receives, will Google penalize my site's rankings?
    -Sagara Paranagama


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Monday, September 16, 2013

Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic


    "Divjak V." <> Sep 16 02:55AM -0700  

    I have successfully integrated Adsense Management API few months ago into
    our site via php client.
    Recently, sollution just stoped working and started returning "(403) This
    service is not available from your country' error.
    Any thoughts?


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[Inside AdSense] Use AdSense on your HTTPS sites

Today, we're happy to announce that AdSense publishers can begin monetizing their HTTPS pages. Many websites, like e-commerce sites and social networking sites, use the HTTPS protocol to protect their users' sensitive data. If you have a HTTPS website you'll be pleased with how easy it is to monetize using AdSense.

To use AdSense on your HTTPS-enabled sites, simply create an ad unit in AdSense and then paste the ad code into the HTML source code of your page where you'd like the ad to appear.

HTTPS-enabled sites require that all content on the page, including the ads, be SSL-compliant. As a result,  our systems will remove all non-SSL compliant ads from competing in the auction on these pages. This means that if you convert your HTTP site to HTTPS, ads on your HTTPS pages might earn less than those on your HTTP pages.

Please visit our Help Center for more details on this feature. If you have a HTTPS-enabled website we'd love to hear your thoughts.

Posted by Sandor Sas - AdSense Software Engineer
Was this blog post useful? Share your feedback with us.

Posted By Inside AdSense Team to Inside AdSense at 9/16/2013 10:00:00 AM

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Please visit my
website at:

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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic


    Google Expert Michael Wilson <> Sep 14 08:52AM -0400  

    thats a easy one. on the index page alone you have like 10 h1 tags
    you should only have 1 those are all H2 s
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    Best regards,
    *Michael Wilson*
    Canada's Google Expert*
    *Founder of Google SEO

    For immediate assistance please call: 514-969-4357(HELP)
    Sent From A Google Hub.
    *Notice: *This message is confidential, may be privileged and is intended
    for the exclusive use of the addressee.


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Friday, September 13, 2013

Digest for - 5 Messages in 5 Topics


    jaanu k <> Sep 12 05:43AM -0700  

    i need list of social bookmarking sites

    On Tuesday, March 6, 2007 2:46:39 AM UTC+5:30, SEOExpert wrote:


    Brandon Lipani <> Sep 12 06:52AM -0700  

    Just wondering why my website with over 10,000 hits a month is still at
    page rank of 2. My site is a wordpress site
    with podpress and simple machine forums which all are indexed by google I
    have strong backlinks but yet I just can not get passed a page 2 ranking.
    Even my podcast does very well even though I know that has nothing to do
    with page ranking I still have lots of traffic. Not sure why I am
    struggling with this page 2 ranking. Does anyone have any ideas?


    Brandon Lipani <> Sep 10 07:57AM -0700  

    I have a question I have a website I have a
    level 2 pageranking. I get about 10,000 page views a month between the blog
    and forums. I have a podcast also that's hosted from that site we have
    about 250 - 500 listeners a week and I am still at level 2 pagerank. My
    friend has a website that gets less traffic then mine as he is at a level 4
    page rank. I use wordpress / simple machine forums and podpress all my
    pages are indexed according to my webmaster tools and my google analytic. I
    was wondering what I was doing wrong or if there is something else I should
    be doing to better my page rank I have been at level 2 for almost a year
    and 68% of my traffic comes from google search. Thanks.


    MickD <> Sep 11 06:35PM -0700  

    My question is about reducing duplicate content which I seem to be getting
    punished for my google, essentially I have 5 websites for 5 different yet
    complimentary/similar businesses, one of the sites is the parent company so
    effectively the top of the tree if that's how people view it (in an
    organisational structure).
    We have duplicate content on pages such as about us, employee profiles,
    product information and more such as right now we're writing a blog a week
    and posting it to each of the 5 sites which would be fine, the content is
    relevant to them all BUT google see's this as duplicate content and its
    hurting our rankings...
    Do I seriously need to create different versions of content on all these
    sites? what are the rules, is it only content blocks of a certain size I
    need to worry about or is it also the 2-3 line H tags and short 5-6 line
    employee profiles?
    For the blog, I want to use the blog content to help with rankings and
    keywords so I believe I need to have the content local to each site and not
    just point the blogs on 4 of the sites to a single parent blog, I also
    don't want to take people away from the site they originally visited to
    read a blog.
    What are my options here? Thanks all :)
    Oh Last question, is there a tool that tells me what duplicate content is
    being picked up and I'm being punished for?


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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic


    Jumperone <> Sep 11 04:51AM -0700  

    Hi there,
    we're planing to set up an affiliate program for our mobile games portals.
    Affiliates should be able to earn a percentage of each revenue we get from
    We're currently struggeling with finding a solution to send the Adsense
    earnings in real-time (via a postback e.g.) to a 3rd party tool like
    Hasoffers or any other affiliate system.
    Can we use the Adsense API for this?
    Are there any other solutions available?
    Looking forward to your feedback.


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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Digest for - 3 Messages in 1 Topic


    Filippo Silvestro <> Sep 09 06:22AM -0700  

    No one can help me?


    "SĂ©rgio Gomes (AdSense API Team)" <> Sep 09 06:47AM -0700  

    Hi Filippo,
    That account does not exist. Looking at the ID a bit more closely, I
    noticed it has 15 digits instead of 16, so it probably got truncated at
    some point. If you use the full ID, it should work correctly.
    SĂ©rgio Gomes
    Developer Relations
    Google UK Limited
    Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
    Registered in England Number: 3977902
    On Monday, 9 September 2013 14:22:40 UTC+1, Filippo Silvestro wrote:


    Filippo Silvestro <> Sep 09 06:54AM -0700  

    Sorry, I've lost a digit, the correct id is: pub-9458687953932918
    I know the account id because I asked for it to the user. The
    associationsession::verify method doesn't need it, it only use the token
    returned to the callback url via query string.
    Il giorno lunedì 9 settembre 2013 15:47:21 UTC+2, Sérgio Gomes (AdSense API
    Team) ha scritto:


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